HC Deb 16 April 2002 vol 383 c906W
Dr. Gibson

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if he will list those websites that have been(a) closed and (b) forced to amend their webpages by the Medicines Control Agency due to breaching the law on the sale of unlicensed medicines via the internet since March 2000; [39022]

(2) how many prosecutions by the Medicines Control Agency against sellers of unlicensed medicines via the Internet (a) have been undertaken, (b) have been successful and (c) are in preparation since 12 July 2000. [39023]

Ms Blears

The Medicines Control Agency (MCA) has no powers contained within its statutory enforcement provisions to force closure of websites. However, MCA achieves compliance from internet service providers who are given advice on UK legislation. Websites are usually withdrawn or modified to comply with UK law.

To date the MCA has achieved six site closures through voluntary compliance from ISPs, seven compliances by operators amending their website, one successful prosecution and 12 referrals to other Government agencies or overseas enforcement authorities.

There are 10 further cases under investigation.

As a matter of policy the MCA does not publish details of voluntary compliance.

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