HL Deb 14 September 2001 vol 627 cc39-40WA
Lord Moynihan

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Privy Seal on 3 July (WA 36) that it is false to suggest that democracy is about the will of the people to be paramount, because, we must have clear laws and independent and objective means of administering them; anything else would risk lynch law and mob rule", whether they consider that a democratically-elected or predominantly-elected second Chamber would risk "lynch law and mob rule"; and [HL561]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Privy Seal on 3 July (WA 36) that the, necessary institutions and safeguards of mature democracy extend well beyond those circumstances where it is appropriate for the will of the people to be paramount", whether they will list those institutions and safeguards which they do not believe should be ultimately accountable; and [HL562]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Privy Seal on 3 July (WA 36) which referred to the need for, clear laws and independent and objective means of administering them; anything else would risk lynch law and mob rule", whether they believe that the police should be democratically accountable. [HL563]

The Lord Privy Seal (Lord Williams of Mostyn)

In bringing forward its further proposals for the reform of the House of Lords, the Government will aim to improve the workings of the constitution without risking lynch law and mob rule. On the more general question of constitutional accountability, the arrangements which govern central and local government, including the police, and the system of justice are many and varied. Any major proposals to change them would be brought forward in legislation in the normal way, as necessary.