HC Deb 26 October 2001 vol 373 cc445-6W
Mr. Collins

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he will announce conclusions on the proposals for extended relief for business rates and VAT for businesses affected by the foot and mouth outbreak, as set out in the Haskins report. [9629]

Mr. Boateng

Customs and Inland Revenue have worked jointly to respond to the needs of businesses affected by foot and mouth disease. A joint helpline was set up on 21 March 2001 to offer immediate advice, and this was followed by the publication of a special tax bulletin giving further information. The majority of contacts were from businesses experiencing financial difficulties, and were assisted by deferring liabilities or agreeing time to pay.

A programme of proactive support was also established. In affected areas, both Departments telephoned businesses identified as likely to need support and attended many meetings set up by support agencies.

The Revenue departments will continue to take a sympathetic approach to businesses which have been affected by FMD, and are aware that some businesses will continue to suffer problems throughout the autumn and winter.