HC Deb 24 October 2001 vol 373 c297W
14. Mr. Lammy

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will make a statement on her Department's activities in Sierra Leone. [6126]

Clare Short

In Sierra Leone, my Department is promoting security, by giving substantial support to the police, helping to make the country's Ministry of Defence democratically accountable, and reintegrating ex-combatants from all sides who wish to return to civilian life, providing budgetary support, to help meet the direct costs of running the country and delivering government services, strengthening governance, including by supporting the newly created Anti Corruption Commission, reforming the judiciary, and helping the Government prepare for the elections due next year, and providing substantial support to meet the ongoing humanitarian needs of those displaced by the conflict.

20. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what support the Government are giving to(a) democracy building and (b) conflict resolution in Sierra Leone. [6132]

Clare Short

We are one of the principal donors providing technical and other support to the National Elections Commission, to help ensure that the elections scheduled for next May are conducted freely, fairly and fully in accordance with democratic principles. Much of the rest of our development programme promotes democracy indirectly, by strengthening the processes of governance. Examples include our work to increase the accountability of the agencies responsible for security (police, army, and intelligence services), our support for judicial reform, for reform of governance in the paramount chiefdoms, the anti-corruption commission, and for strengthening the ability of civil society and the media to scrutinise government policy. Conflict resolution is being addressed by our support to the processes of disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration of ex-combatants. Here we are providing logistical assistance and other funding to the implementing agency, as well as funding a reintegration programme in Port Loko with the specific purpose of encouraging local communities to accept returning ex-combatants.

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