HC Deb 22 October 2001 vol 373 c102W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what advice is issued to local authorities in respect of adjudicating on planning applications in cases where different planning policy guidance notes appear to imply contradictory verdicts on a given application; and if it is his policy that some PPGs have higher priority than others. [8474]

Ms Keeble

All planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan for the area unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Local planning authorities must take account of national policy, set out in Planning Policy Guidance notes (PPGs), in preparing their development plans. PPGs may also be material to decisions on individual planning applications.

General advice to local planning authorities on material considerations is given in PPG1 'General Policy and Principles'. In the first instance it is for authorities, as decision-makers, to decide what considerations are material in any particular case and what weight to put on them. Ultimately, these are matters for the Courts.