HC Deb 15 October 2001 vol 372 c833W
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many applications for vehicles were dealt with by Motability and of these how many were(a) for replacement vehicles, (b) successful new applications and (c) unsuccessful new applications; and how long, on average, Motability took to deal with each application in the above categories in each of the last three years. [7866]

Maria Eagle

The information is not available in the format requested. The available information as it relates to the last 2 years is in the table.

Applications for vehicles dealt with by motability
Year1 Total dealt with For a replacement vehicle Form a new customer Total declined2
1999 157,816 83,024 74,792 10,795
2000 153,817 86,913 66,904 7,741
1Figures relate to year ending 31 December
2Includes both new and renewal cases where a customer has been declined or chosen not to proceed

Motability operates within a three day Customer Charter for processing all successfully completed applications and achieved this deadline in the years shown.