HC Deb 21 November 2001 vol 375 cc280-1W
Mr. Drew

To ask the hon. Member for Middlesbrough, representing the Church Commissioners, how many(a) full-time, (b) part-time and (c) non-stipendiary ministers there are in each diocese. [16297]

Mr. Bell

This information is contained in Statistics of Licensed Ministers (GS Misc 638), a copy of which is in the House of Commons Library. For reference see the table.

Summary of licensed ministers in the dioceses, 2000 Provinces of Canterbury and York
Full-time stipendiary clergy Part-time stipendiary clergy Non-stipendiary ministers Ordained local ministers Readers
36 Sodor and Man Y 20 7 3 24
37 Southwark C 370 8 95 32 349
38 Southwell Y 170 3 52 0 313
39 Truro C 130 1 25 10 117
40 Wakefield Y 179 2 28 1 199
41 Winchester C 239 1 59 245
42 Worcester 151 1 23 139
43 York Y 275 5 27 303
44 Europe C 126 43
Totals Province of Canterbury (C) 6,846 106 1,421 243 7,072
Totals Province of York (Y) 2,692 42 351 68 3,236
Totals Church of England 9,538 148 1,772 311 10,308


1. The above figures include only those ministers who were working within the diocesan framework as at 31 December 2000.

2. The Archbishop of Canterbury and ordained members of his staff at Lambeth are classed as extra-diocesan and are not included in these figures

3. The figures for Readers include Readers with Permission to Officiate and active Emeriti.

4. One part-timer works for both Bradford and Wakefield. He has been counted into the Bradford figure.

5. Ordained clergy in Europe are all counted as full-time as it has not been possible to split them this year.