HC Deb 20 November 2001 vol 375 cc211-2W
19. Mr. Martlew

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what rail infrastructure improvement targets Railtrack has met since privatisation. [13571]

26. James Purnell

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what rail infrastructure improvement targets Railtrack has met since privatisation. [13579]

Mr. Jamieson

No infrastructure improvement targets were set at the time of privatisation. Since 1998 the Rail Regulator has set a range of targets for Railtrack covering track quality, broken rails and overall performance. Of these, the company has met that relating to broken rails for 2000–01 and a small proportion of those covering track quality and operational performance.

Michael Fabricant

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (1) on which dates, up to one month prior to 5 October, he received advice from the Treasury indicating funds were not likely to be approved to maintain the(a) viability and (b) liquidity of Railtrack plc; [16227]

(2) if he will list the dates up to one month prior to 5 October when he received advice from the Treasury, pursuant to his statement in the House of 13 November 2001, Official Report, column 724. [16226]

Mr. Byers

As I made clear in my Statement to the House on 13 November 2001,Official Report, column 725, it was my decision, on behalf of the Government, on 5 October to refuse further funding for Railtrack plc, over and above the Regulated settlement and the 2 April Agreement. Treasury was kept fully informed of Railtrack' s requests for unlimited funding.