HL Deb 14 November 2001 vol 628 cc84-5WA
Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October (WA 132) (a) when Mr Alun Evans took office as Director of Information at the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions; and when he was informed that he would be removed from his duties; and (b) what is the meaning of the phrase "in due course" in the answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on the 18 October (H.L. Deb., col. 707); and whether any term of service was ever discussed with Mr Alun Evans on his appointment; and [HL1068]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October (WA 132) (a) who decided that Mr Alun Evans should work with Dr Iain Anderson as head of the secretariat on the enquiry into the foot-and-mouth outbreak; and how and when the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, Mr Byers, and his special adviser, Miss Moore, first became aware of this decision; and (b) whether Mr Byers was consulted on this decision; and; if so, when; and whether Mr Byers was ever informed by Miss Moore, or by officials of the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, of the circumstances set out in (a) above; and [HL1069]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October (WA 132) (a) whether the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions informed Mr Alun Evans that he was to be removed from his duties; and, if not, who did; and (b) whether the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, Mr Byers, or his special adviser, Miss Moore, were involved in any discussions or correspondence with the Permanent Secretary, the Establishment Officer or Mr Evans relating to the timing of Mr Evans' removal from his duties; and, if so, when; and [HL1070]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October ( WA 132), when the press secretary to the Prime Minister and the Head of the Government Information Service was first informed that Mr Alun Evans would be leaving his post; and [HL1072]

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October ( WA 132), when the post of Director of Communications at the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions in succession to Mr Alun Evans was (a) first advertised, (b) interviewed for, and (c) offered. [HL1073]

The Minister of State, Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (Lord Falconer of Thoroton)

As is already known, Alun Evans took up appointment on 28 February 2000 as Director of Communication, Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, having been acting director from December 1999.

The post of Director of Communication, Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions was advertised on 9 September 2001. This is an open competition being handled in the normal way, including the full involvement of the Civil Service Commission.

In relation to all the other issues raised by these questions, it is not appropriate to give detailed information about personal decisions or details of individual civil servants, which are exempt from disclosure under paragraph 12 of Part II of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information.

Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October (WA 132) whether Mr Alun Evans, or any other information officer at the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, ever declined to act on a request from Miss Moore, the special adviser to the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, to publish information relating to Mr Bob Kiley or his assistants; and, if so, on what grounds. [HL1071]

Lord Falconer of Thoroton

I refer the noble Baroness to the Answer given by my right honourable Friend the Secretary of State on 22 October 2001 [Official Report, Commons, 22/10/01 94W] in another place.

Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Falconer of Thoroton on 24 October (WA 132), whether, in the light of the remarks of the Lord Peyton of Yeovil on 23 October (HL Deb, col. 921), they have any intention of revising their answer.[HL1111]

Lord Falconer of Thoroton
