HC Deb 09 November 2001 vol 374 cc478-80W
Mr. Burns

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) when he expects the assessments to be completed on those patients who were receiving nursing care on 1 October but had not yet been assessed for free nursing care; [13151]

(2) how many patients were estimated to qualify for free nursing care on 1 October; and how many had been assessed for free nursing care by 1 October; [13152]

(3) what reason he has placed (a) an upper fiscal restriction on free nursing care in care homes and (b) no fiscal restrictions where the NHS provides nursing care in other settings; [13155]

(4) what (a) measures he has taken and (b) guidance he has issued to minimise delays in making advance payments in respect of self-funded residents in nursing homes; [13156]

(5) he will make a statement on the processes and procedures that have been adopted to assess people for free nursing care; [13161]

(6) when he expects all of the patients who are expected to have qualified for free nursing care on 1 October to have been assessed for free nursing care; [13162]

(7) what estimates he has made of the number of patients who will have to contribute to the cost of their nursing care because it costs more to provide than the banding system permits. [13241]

Jacqui Smith

The guidance on free nursing care in nursing homes was published on 25 September. This, and the accompanying directions to the national health service, set out the arrangements for health authorities and primary care trusts to carry out determinations of registered nursing care contribution (RNCC) for those eligible for free nursing care from 1 October. They should use their best endeavours to ensure that these are completed by the end of December and should agree the arrangements for making payments to nursing homes in respect of self-funding residents with effect from 1 October. The guidance also emphasised the need to process invoices from nursing homes as promptly as possible.

A survey carried out over the summer by the Department revealed that there were over 42,000 people in nursing homes responsible for funding their own care. While a small number of determinations were planned to take place before 1 October, the vast majority will have taken place after then.

The guidance acknowledges that, in some cases, individuals will be identified through the assessment and RNCC process who have exceptional long term needs for nursing care, both in amount and type, that do not meet local criteria for NHS continuing health care. The national health service has a similar responsibility to arrange or fund the services that individuals in nursing homes need as they would if they were receiving treatment in any other setting.

Mr. Burns

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if he will make a statement on the type of training being given to nurses responsible for carrying out assessments for free nursing care; and how long the training lasts; [13153]

(2) how many nurses will be required in England and Wales to assess patients' eligibility for free nursing care; [13157]

(3) who, other than a state registered nurse, will be(a) involved in and (b) responsible for determining whether a patient is eligible for free nursing care; [13159]

(4) how many nurses will be (a) involved in and(b) responsible for determining each patient's eligibility for free nursing care. [13160]

Jacqui Smith

A programme of nurse training began in every region of England at the beginning of September and, by the end of October, a total of approximately 800 nurses had received training in carrying out the registered nursing care contribution (RNCC). The training lasted a full day and was supported by a practitioner guide published by the Department. Apart from these national health service nurses, the guidance on free nursing care in nursing homes sets out the roles of lead nurses and nursing home co-ordinators who will also be involved in the process for implementing free nursing care. In some cases, nurses employed by nursing homes may also be involved in the determination. A single nurse will usually carry out the RNCC unless the individual has specific and special needs. In certain cases, a separate continence assessment may need to be carried out by a continence adviser at a later date.

Mr. Burns

To ask the Secretary of State for Health for what reasons those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's are not eligible for free nursing care. [13242]

Jacqui Smith

Anyone currently in a nursing home with a need for care from a registered nurse and who is paying towards that care should have it paid for by the national health service following a determination carried out by an NHS nurse under the arrangements for free nursing care introduced on 1 October. This applies equally to those with Alzheimer's disease and dementia as it does to other conditions.