HC Deb 07 November 2001 vol 374 cc268-71W
Shona McIsaac

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on the outcome of her recent meeting with senior leaders of the tourism industry. [13126]

Tessa Jowell

I, together with my hon. Friend the Minister for Tourism, Film and Broadcasting, met leading figures from the tourism industry on 10 and 11 October at Hartwell House in Buckinghamshire. This meeting was convened to discuss the immediate difficulties facing the industry in the wake of the foot and mouth outbreak and the terrorist attacks of 11 September, but also to agree the necessary programme for long term strategic reform of the industry to achieve more consistent high standards and better value for money.

The main conclusions for action from the meeting include: the urgent need for tourism bodies to review their programmes so as best to meet the needs of the current difficulties; the importance of acting in the new spirit of partnership between industry and Government the creation of the CBI chaired voice for tourism, the Tourism Alliance; the need to focus public sector resources on improving co-ordination of marketing, rationalising tourism data collection so that it is more useful, improving

Tourism Industry Seminar—Outcomes
Who to lead Timescale
Immediate short term action1
The London Tourist Board and the English Tourism Council have been asked to review their programmes. working with the industry, to meet the new circumstances. DCMS Ministers are ready to see more than £60 million already available directed to marketing to the domestic market. The hotel and major attractions industry are creating packages to offer to the domestic market. DCMS will chase progress and encourage and support co-operation of this sort. Industry and associations, LTB, ETC, DCMS Immediate
The British Tourist Authority is re-designing its overseas marketing campaign, in close consultation with key industry partners in the UK and overseas BTA End of October
Other measures which might provide effective assistance are being examined. The Industry has made a number of proposals. DCMS October
Ministers are strong advocates of and for the industry. DCMS October
Ministers and officials are in constant discussion with the tourism industry about the impact of the events in America. DCMS Ongoing
Medium term action2
We will create a voice for the tourism sector which reflects the diversity of its main core industries and ensures a coherent view is put to Government on key opportunities and issues of common concern. CBI-supported Tourism Alliance Launched October, starts November 2001
Ministers are ready to develop strong and more co-ordinated arrangements for the marketing of English tourism to the domestic market in response to the views of the industry. We are ready to concentrate public sector resources on three areas—marketing coordination, data gathering, and quality assessment. This will mean reducing support on other areas. Marketing co-ordination should have a strong private sector lead and embrace regional and local government spending. DCMS, ETC and the industry to develop new arrangements. First discussion at November Tourism Forum. New plan within six months.
We will strengthen regional arrangements. We are committed to closer marketing co-ordination at regional level, development of strong sub-regional brands, and implementation of TIC modernisation. RDAs, RTBs and local authorities Proposals to Secretary of State by end of November.
We are ready to develop a "Fitness for purpose" approach to better regulation of hotels and restaurants. The aim is to bring together the many regulatory controls, and make them into a basic and strong assurance to customers. Premises not meeting the standard would be improved or closed. Arrangements for modernising alcohol and entertainment licensing, and gaming, will go ahead in parallel. DCMS with key Department and Local Government Association. Report to Secretary of State by end December.
We will bring together the many sources of public sector data on tourism performance and trends and create a partnership with the private sector to give the industry and Ministers the information which is needed to decide policy, make investments, and improve service to the customer. The first step is to rationalise what is there at present and improve coherence and leadership. One objective will be to undertake a public attitude survey, and another to report annually. There will be a regional and local dimension to this but the first phase will look at national information and data. DCMS, ETC, BTA Prepare remit for Secretary of State's approval within one month.
We will follow a fresh approach to training and skills. Our ambition is to create a major new skills body embracing the major industries of the sector. It will drive an improvement in service quality and career opportunities. Ministers will back it strongly within Government and ensure a fair share of resources is available to support effective new arrangements. Industry to convene, Ministers to back it in Government. To be set up and seek recognition by Government by December.

the quality of product, strengthening service through improved training and skills and developing better tourist information, including through the use of the internet.

The following table sets these conclusions out in more detail.

Tourism Industry Seminar—Outcomes
Who to lead Timescale
We will ensure wide adoption of the productivity and performance improvement techniques emerging for the Government supported "Productivity for Profit" initiative. Industry Launched, Review in 2002.
We will build on the EnglandNet and other e-tourism initiatives to create a strong network of tourist information services and to encourage the take up by small and micro-businesses of electronic means of communication and booking. ETC, DCMS, Industry, RDAs. First stage by April 2002.
1 Our approach will be to ensure Government and industry understands and appraises the impact of current challenges, co-ordinate public sector and private sector responses to those challenges, and for the public sector to make a direct contribution where that is justified.
2 We will take this action in a new spirit of partnership between industry and Government. The industry will take the lead in modernising, improving quality and product development. Government will support where better regulation and co-ordination of public services is needed. Ministers will review in three months whether the current distribution of responsibilities supporting the joint programme is working well enough and will meet with industry again in six months to review the progress of the whole programme. All the initial action is to be taken within six months and further assignments then agreed at a further joint meeting with industry leaders.

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