HC Deb 06 November 2001 vol 374 c228W
Dr. Fox

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many 24-hour mental health staff beds are in operation.[12768]

Jacqui Smith

Returns received indicate that there were approximately 4,300 24 hour staffed mental health beds at 31 March 2001. This is the latest date for which validated information is currently available.

Jacqui Smith

The information requested is shown in the table.

Number of children looked after by local councils in England at

31 March 1997–20011

Children's homes
Years ending 31 March All children looked after Number Percentage
1997 51,100 6,200 12
1998 53,300 6,100 11
1999 55.500 6,100 11
2000 58,100 6,300 11
2001 58,900 6,200 10
1 Figures in this table exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short term placements


CLA 100

SSDA 903