§ Mrs. MayTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (1) what records have been kept of conversations between Ministers and Ms Jo Moore since 11 September; [12237]
(2) what meetings and telephone conversations he has had with Ms Jo Moore since 10 September; [12236]
(3) if he will publish the departmental correspondence, including e-mails, leading to the announcements (a) on councillors' allowances and (b) on councillors' pensions on 12 September; [12235]
(4) if, before administering a personal reprimand to Ms Jo Moore regarding her e-mail of 11 September, he received other e-mails sent by her after 11 September. [12234]
§ Mr. ByersUnder paragraph 2 of Part II of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, it is not the practice to disclose details of internal communication.
§ Mrs. MayTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions who authorised the interview with Sky News given by Ms Jo Moore on 16 October. [12241]