HC Deb 10 May 2001 vol 368 cc338-9W
Mr. Lidington

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the initiatives(a) under way and (b) planned as part of his Crime Reduction Programme, indicating the objectives, expected duration and cost to public funds of each initiative. [159017]

Mr. Charles Clarke

[holding answer 26 April 2001]: The Crime Reduction Programme (CRP) is the biggest single investment in an evidence-based approach to crime reduction which has ever taken place in any country. Knowledge gained will contribute to reversing the long-term growth rate in crime and ensuring we are achieving the greatest impact for the money spent. Projects which are successful will form the basis of future mainstream programmes; those which are not will be dropped.

All of the initiatives in the table are under way; no new initiatives are planned as part of the Crime Reduction Programme. CRP projects are of differing duration, but all CRP initiatives are due to finish by 31 March 2002 although some will, exceptionally and with prior approval, be completed in 2002–03.

Crime Reduction Programme
Initiative Objective Actual expenditure for 1999–2000 Provisional final expenditure for 2000–01 Forecast expenditure for 2001–02
Reducing Burglary To reduce burglary nationally by targeting areas with worst domestic burglary Problems 2.1 9.2 18.5
Locks for the over-60s To improve security for low-income pensioners in high crime areas 0 0.9 3.0
Summer Schemes To engage in constructive activities 13 to 17-years-olds in high crime neighbourhoods 0 1.9 1.7
Prostitution—What Works To find out what works in reducing crime/disorder associated with prostitution 0 0.04 1.0
Targeted Policing To help develop problem oriented approach to local crime/disorder problems 0.5 9.4 18.6
'On Track' Long-term initiative aimed at children at risk of getting involved in crime 0.2 5.0 10
Vehicle Crime Publicity To increase motorists' awareness of vehicle security issues 0 8.0 20
Treatment of Offenders To develop effective practice on what reduces re-offending 2.3 7.8 8.2
Drug Arrest Referrals Development of arrest referral schemes to impact upon drug-related offending 0.3 8.8 10.5
Schools Intervention To integrate schools' management of pupils' behaviour and reduction in truancies and exclusions 0.2 6.1 5.4
Violence Against Women To develop and implement local strategies for reducing domestic violence and rape/sexual assault by known perpetrators 0.09 2.0 7.1
Vehicle Crime To help prevent stolen vehicles being given new indentity and reduce number of cars stolen for resale 0 0.5 2.6
Youth Inclusion Multiple intervention Package for most at risk 13 to 16-year-olds in deprived neighbourhoods 0 2.75 2.75
Sentencing Practices To maximise impact of sentences on crime reduction 0.3 0.9 3.2
Neighbourhood Wardens To pump-prime new and existing warden schemes 0 0.9 3.0
Design Against Crime To increase crime resistance of new products, designs and systems 0.6 0.5 1.1
Arson control Forum To contribute to 30 per cent reduction in number of deliberate fires by 31 March 2009 0 0.1 20
Offender Index To provide a criminal career database on the offender population 0.075 0.2 0
Suzy Lamplugh Trust To support the establishment of a Centre for Personal Safety 0 0.2 0.3
CCTV Initiative Capital funding of CCTV projects 0 23.4 101.3
Rape Crisis Federation To support and develop rape crisis groups 0 0 0.4
Toolkits Production of toolkits to assist partnerships in crime reduction work 0 0.1 0.4
Total 6.7 88.7 189.05
1Responsibility for funding `On Track' transferred to DfEE's Children's Fund with effect from 1 April 2001
2 No longer funded by Crime Reduction Programme

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