HC Deb 09 May 2001 vol 368 cc171-2W
Mr. Willis

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many(a) consultation documents, (b) regulations, (c) revised and corrected regulations,(d) guidance notes, (e) requests for statistical information and (f) letters from Ministers have been sent to schools by his Department since May 1997. [158920]

Jacqui Smith

In my reply to the hon. Member on 19 April 2001,Official Report, column 563W, I gave the number of mailings for the years 1996 to mid 2000. The tables cover mailings to primary schools and mailings to secondary schools in the whole of the year 2000 and in the year 2001 up to 2 May. Since September 2000, we have had a presumption against sending materials direct to schools. Instead most information is available on request.

Primary schools
Topic 2000 2001 to 2 May 2001
Consultation Papers1
School Finance 1 0
School Standards 0 1
Early Years 1 0
Literacy and Numeracy 6 3
School Curriculum 11 1
School Discipline 1 1
School Finance 2 1
School Governance 2 2
School Health and Safety 3 1
School Organisation 1 2
School Premises 1 0
School Standards 1 1
Special Education 3 0
Teaching Profession 22 2
Data collection
Early Years 3 1
Class size 2 1
School Discipline 2 2
School Finance 0 2
School Standards 9 9
Special education 1 1
Teaching Profession 1 1
Letters from Ministers
To primary schools 7 2
1 In general DfEE now only consults a sample of schools, usually 10 per cent.

Secondary schools
Topic 2000 2001 to 2 May 2001
Consultation Papers1
School Finance 1 0
School Standards 0 1
Literacy and Numeracy 1 3
School Curriculum 14 1
School Discipline 1 1
School Finance 2 1
School Governance 2 2
School Health and Safety 3 1
School Organisation 1 2
School Premises 1 0
School Standards 1 1
Special Education 3 0
Teaching Profession 22 2
Data collection
Class size 1 1
School Discipline 2 2
School Finance 0 2
School Standards 9 9
Special education 1 1
Teaching Profession 1 1
Letters from Ministers
To secondary schools 6 3
1 In general DfEE now only consults a sample of schools, usually 10 per cent.


Regulations are not sent to schools

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