HL Deb 28 March 2001 vol 624 cc36-40WA
Lord Acton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the report on the inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary by Mr Anthony Speed will be published. [HL1474]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The report was published yesterday and copies have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses. The report is also published on the DCMS website (www culture gov uk) We are grateful to Mr Anthony Speed and his assistant for conducting a thorough inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary (RPC).

The review was commissioned by the Royal Parks Advisory Board, which has considered the report carefully. In reaching my conclusions on the report's recommendations, we have had the benefit of the Board's advice for which we are grateful.

We accept the report's analysis and its recommendations for improved efficiency and effectiveness. Immediate action has been taken to remedy deficiencies and further changes and improvements are being taken forward. Mr Speed makes 23 recommendations. Listed below is the action taken on each of them to date.

It is essential for the morale of the RPC and for recruitment and retention that the force is properly remunerated. The Government have agreed, therefore, to make more money available to maintain the link between the salaries of RPC officers and of the Metropolitan Police Service at 85. The award is being backdated to 1 September 2000. The question of an additional London allowance is under consideration.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport is discussing with the Home Office the future relationship between the RPC and the Metropolitan Police Service. The current position is that the RPC remains part of the Royal Parks Agency. There are options for change, as Mr Speed's report recognises. These options require further detailed examination and discussion. We recognise that uncertainty can be unsettling and we shall reach a conclusion as soon as possible.

Mr Speed's report acknowledges the level of public satisfaction with the way in which the Royal Parks are policed. They are relatively crime-free areas. This is due to the dedication and professionalism of the officers of the RPC, which we recognise and to which we pay tribute.

Report of the Formal Inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary by Mr Anthony Speed
Recommendation Progress
1. The duality of function of the Chief Officer should cease.(Paras 2.3–2.10) The Chief Officer no longer has responsibilities as head of personnel. He remains a member of the Management Board.
2. The Chief Officer should be a superintendent on secondment from a Home Office Police Force. (Paras 2.20–2.23) This is being discussed with the Home Office.
3. The Deputy Chief Officer should be a Chief Inspector.(Para 2.24) A Promotion Board for Chief Inspector/Deputy Chief Officer post was held on 26 March 2001.
4. The Chief Officer should be allowed to run the Royal Parks Constabulary alone, on properly constituted lines. (Paras 2.26–2.27) The Chief Officer now has full operational control of the Force.
5. The Royal Parks Constabulary should produce an annual, costed, policing plan, Properly costed policing plan for 2001–02 prepared, following full consultation. Currently being
Report of the Formal Inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary by Mr Anthony Speed
Recommendation Progress
which gives a clear account of performance in the previous financial year. (Paras 3.12–3.15) professionally reproduced for distribution.
Further work necessary in respect of comparisons with performance in previous financial years.
6. Planning guidelines should be produced by the Force showing the link between the community and the Constabulary and include a clear timetable for the contribution from all parties to the plan. (Paras 3.16–3.17) Interim guidelines produced to enable preparation of the policing plan for 2001–02.
These guidelines are being reviewed now and a more detailed document will be produced for distribution in April 2001.
7. A properly constituted Police Authority should be formed, with clear links to Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary to hold the Chief Officer to account for Force performance. (Paras 3.19–3.22) This is being discussed with the Home Office.
8. A budget should be set for the Force allowing the Chief Officer to set staffing levels. (Para 3.24) Budget currently being set for financial year 2001–02
9. A full participative management programme should be published which clearly shows how policy is developed and how each rank contributes to that process. (Paras 3.26–3.34 Manual of Guidance now produced and distributed. Minutes of Senior Management Team meetings being prepared in greater detail, with policy decisions highlighted. Hard copies being circulated to supplement distribution by e-mail. Target set to circulate minutes within seven working days of meetings.
A newsletter has been distributed to every officer to explain the process of change taking place and further editions will be sent out at regular intervals.
The consultation guidelines for the Policing Plan 2001–02 include the opportunity to take the views of staff (both police and civil) into account in the setting of Force aims and objectives.
Further actions to follow.
10. The Force should produce a detailed Human Resources strategy document. (Para 4.1) This document is being prepared.
11. The Constabulary should not seek any further Investors in People (IIP) assessments until recommendations from previous assessments have been implemented. (Para 4.4) Meeting with IIP assessors held and areas identified for further action. Work continuing.
12. Staff development should be improved including the use of acting ranks to cover absences. (Paras 4.10–4.11) Temporary promotions made in the ranks of chief inspector, inspector and sergeant.
Substantive promotion made in the rank of sergeant and about to be made in the rank of chief inspector.
Training plan for 2001–02 prioritises staff development.
13. Pay parity should be immediately linked to 85%. and allowances increased, in line with the total remuneration of the MPS package. (Paras 4.20–4.22) Pay award has just been made for payment at the end of March. Award backdated to 1 September 2000.
Award links pay to 85% of national police pay rates and includes payment of MPS

Report of the Formal Inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary by Mr Anthony Speed
Recommendation Progress
allowances in respect of London Weighting and London Allowance (2)*. Discussions will be held with the Treasury over payment of the Metropolitan Police Service allowance known as London Allowance(1), currently £1,011 pa.
*London Allowance(2), currently £3.327 pa, is paid to officers who joined after 1994 and who are not in receipt of recent allowance.
14. The Constabulary should immediately start monitoring gender and racial matters. Additional monitoring of gender and racial matters is now taking place.
15. The Constabulary should immediately commence diversity training using the help and expertise in the Home Office. (Para 4.42) Additional diversity training for all officers is already scheduled to take place between January and April 2001.
Further diversity training to be carried out between September and December 2001. This second stage training will encompass best practice from the Home Office and will be designed so as to reflect both Force policy and the specific needs of the community and RPC officers.
16. The Constabulary should establish clear guidelines on grievance procedures. (Para 4.42) Grievance procedures have been redrafted taking account of comments received as a result of consultation. Final draft will be produced for publication by May 2001.
17. Meetings of all parties involved in event management should be held to further the understanding of each other's roles and improve co-ordination. (Para 5.31) Meetings already held to prepare an Events Seminar for RPA/RPC managers in April 2001. Further seminar to be developed for RPA/RPC and all outside agencies involved in events, for delivery before Summer 2001.
18. An IT policy and procedures manual should be produced. (Para 6.2) Interim IT User Security Operating Procedures instruction issued in November 2000.
19. The RPC should commence negotiations with the British Transport Police for enhanced call handling facilities and install the necessary infrastructure as soon as possible. (Para 6.11) Contract for the provision of control room services by the BTP became operative on 1.12.2000. System went live on 7.1.2001.
New control room facility is dealing with an average of around 200 calls for police action/attention per week. It is projected that it will handle over 10,000 calls per year. A significant improvement in call handling and response has already been achieved.
20. The Constabulary install locks on the open drive of each computer terminal. (Para 6.14) New software system introduced to prevent the use of unauthorised floppy discs.
21. A submission should be made to the Home Secretary to change the law so that RPC officers retain full police powers throughout the judicial process. (Para 6.22) This is being discussed with the Home Office.
22. The RPC should seek full Computerised Crime Reporting System enablement with the MPS as soon as possible. (Para 7.12) Cost implication of this measure currently being examined.
23. Start up monies should be provided for the RPC to come under Home Office control as a ring-fenced division of the MPS Exercise currently being undertaken as to the cost effectiveness of the two options. This will be discussed with the

Report of the Formal Inspection of the Royal Parks Constabulary by Mr Anthony Speed
Recommendation Progress
or, alternatively, funds should be provided to allow proper management, accountability and policing by the Royal Parks Constabulary. Home Office.
Outside the 23 main recommendations, the following specific areas were singled out for action:
Consultants. In the opinion of the Review Team there was no need for further use of the consultants in the spheres of dogs and the mounted section and, when their contracts are complete, they should not be renewed. (Paras 4.12–4.13) It may be necessary to retain the consultants for a longer period because of the departure of key personnel in the dog and mounted sections.
Search Team. The RPC have a dedicated, trained search team, who know and understand their particular search area. This should continue. (Para 5.22) Relicensing of search trained officers commenced November 2000. Force now has a properly relicensed search team.
Brompton Cemetery Warden Scheme. The Review Team urges that negotiations commence immediately with all parties, the RPC, the Friends of Brompton Cemetery, the local community and the local authority to prepare a properly structured community safety plan for the cemetery. (Para 6.21) Initial meeting with Friends of Brompton Cemetery took place in January 2001. Follow up action continuing.
Richmond Park, Isabella Plantation Warden Scheme. The Review Team urges all parties to draw up detailed plans for dealing with issues of training, equipment, accountability, powers and personal safety, with regular monitoring and feedback. (Para 6.22) Once properly arranged, the Brompton Cemetery Warden Scheme will be used as a model for Richmond.