HC Deb 26 March 2001 vol 365 cc488-9W
35. Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the hon. Member for Middlesbrough, representing the Church Commissioners, what response the Commissioners have given to the representations made to them in the last six months on rent levels of Church Commission residential property in London SE1. [153859]

Mr. Stuart Bell

The Church Commissioners have responded fully to all representations made to them on this matter.

The hon. Gentleman will have received a copy of the Commissioners' letter setting out the detailed consultation now taking place over letting policy on these estates with residents, clergy and local representatives. If he would like further information I shall be happy to provide it.

36. Mr. David Heath

To ask the hon. Member for Middlesbrough, representing the Church Commissioners, if he will make a statement on the policy of the Church Commissioners in respect of agricultural land rents. [153860]

Mr. Stuart Bell

The Commissioners are required as a charity to seek the best returns on their assets for the benefit of the Church of England clergy, serving and retired. They also seek to act as responsible landlords.

In the case of agricultural tenants, the Commissioners fully recognise the crisis in farming, and especially the problems caused by foot and mouth disease, and where there is hardship will consider how best to help. This is done on a case by case basis and tenants are encouraged to discuss their difficulties with agents or staff.