HC Deb 23 March 2001 vol 365 cc411-3W
Mrs. Ellman

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how much new(a) capital and (b) revenue funding has been made available to schools and colleges in (i) Liverpool and (ii) Liverpool, Riverside since May 1997; and what the total amount of Government funding of education in Liverpool has been in these years. [154427]

Jacqui Smith

The information showing the schools in the Liverpool, Riverside constituency which benefited under the New Deal for Schools is shown in Table A. These allocations formed part of the £16.873 million investment made so far in schools in Liverpool local education authority under the New Deal for Schools programme.

The New Deal for Schools was introduced as a new additional programme targeted specifically at addressing the backlog of urgent repairs in school buildings that had

Table A: New deal for schools-allocations to schools in the Liverpool, Riverside constituency
Year School Project details Grant awarded (£)
1997–98 St. Michael in the Hamlet Primary New build 2 form entry school 11,275,000
Pleasant Street Primary First stage of new build school 11,275,000
1998–99 St. Michael in the Hamlet Primary Completion of new school 675,000
Pleasant Street Primary Phase 2 of new build school 800,000
Matthew Arnold Primary Replacement school 1,641,000
1999–2000 32 Primary schools Development cost of PFI bid 1100,000
2000–01 Morrison Junior Replacement building 2,021,071
Abercromby Nursery Part of 117 school package for roof replacements 15,000,000
Lidderdale Infant
Mersey View Special
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary
Our Lady of Reconciliation Catholic Primary
St. Anne's Catholic Primary
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Primary
St. Charles' Catholic Primary
St. Finbar's Catholic Primary
St. Gerard's Catholic Primary
St. Nicholas' Catholic Primary
1Denotes total allocations made to package projects covering more than one school Liverpool local education authority will be able to advise the value of projects at schools in the Liverpool, Riverside constituency which benefited from these allocations

Table B: All capital allocations to Liverpool local education authority
1997–98 1958–99 1999–2000 2000–01
Basic Credit Approvals 4,957 6,832 5,954 4,968
Supplementary Credit Approvals 3,134 2,738 2,360 1,330
Grant to Voluntary Aided Schools 5,809 5,137 1,406 2,272
New Deal for Schools 1,275 4,016 2,738 8,844
School Security Grant 131 162 169 165
PFI Credits 74,300
Energy Efficiency Initiative 155
Class Size Initiative 85 221 154

built up after 18 years of under funding under the previous Administration. It has been in addition to other capital funds made available to Liverpool local education authority.

In total, since 1997, Liverpool local education authority has received some £147.253 million of funding for capital investment in school buildings as shown in Table B.

Nationally, investment in school buildings has tripled from £683 million a year in 1996–97 to over £2 billion in 2000–01. It will be £3.5 billion in 2003–04, including grant, credit approvals and Private Finance Initiative credits. There will be central Government investment of £8.5 million in school buildings in total from 2001–02 to 2003–04.

I refer my hon. Friend to the letter sent to her by the Secretary of State of 16 February for details of increases to revenue funding; for schools in Liverpool. An extract covering the revenue funding allocated is shown in Table C. Information at constituency level is not readily available.

Since 1997, the Further Education Funding Council has allocated £19.37 million of capital grant to the projects at the City of Liverpool Community College listed in Table D. Revenue funding for the college since 1997 is shown in Table E.

The total amount of Government funding in schools and colleges in Liverpool since 1997 is shown in Table F.

Table B: All capital allocations to Liverpool local education authority
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01
National Grid for Learning Grant 979 1,050 1,649
Assistance with Asset Management Plans 66
Seed Challenge Funding 295
Devolved Formula Capital for Schools 3,528
Renewal of School Laboratories 296
Nursery Provision 78
Total 15,306 20,104 13,964 97,879

Table C: Revenue funding allocations—Liverpool local education authority
£ million
Standard spending assessment Grants
1997–98 210.2 8.1
1998–99 229.9 2.8
1999–2000 238.3 7.8
2000–01 248.4 25.8


The following revenue grants have been included: DfEE contributions to the Standards Fund; Class Size Reduction Grant; Funding for Education Action Zones; Grant for Nursery Vouchers in 1997–98; School Budget Support Grant; School Standards Grant; and Education Budget Support Grant

Table D: Central Government capital investment made in the City of Liverpool Community College
Year/education establishment £000
Myrtle Street Centre for Performing Arts and Media Studies1 26,541
Clarence Street1 24,469
Refurbishment at the Old Swan and Bankfield sites 3,100
Merchants Square—New Build of Service Industry Training and Community Learning Centre and construction of a new Technology Centre at Plumpfields Business Park 25,260
Total 19,370
1New Build Project
2These projects are located in the Liverpool, Riverside constituency

Table E: Revenue funding for the City of Liverpool Community College
Year £
1997–98 21,021,505
1998–99 19,984,675
1999–2000 20,572,499
2000–01 20,285,784

Table F: Total amount of Government funding in schools and colleges in Liverpool since 1997
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01
Capital funding 15,306 20,104 13,964 97,879
Revenue funding 210,200 229,900 238,300 248,400
FE college
Capital funding 6,541 7,569 5,260
Revenue funding 21,021 19,985 20,572 20,286
Total 253,068 277,558 272,836 371,825