HL Deb 21 March 2001 vol 623 cc163-4WA
Lord Brett

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans they have for encouraging the restoration of multi-party democracy in Swaziland. [HL1179]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

We have over the last year funded projects in Swaziland to promote good governance and media freedom. These included a Conference on Good Governance, held in June 1999, and assistance to Swazi periodicals which regularly raise issues of governance in Swaziland.

We have regular contact with the Government of Swaziland, MPs, NGOs and the media to monitor the situation and draw attention to issues of concern. Our High Commissioner recently wrote an article for the local press publicising DfID's strategy papers on human rights and setting out how our human rights policy is to be realised.

Our High Commission will continue with these activities.