HL Deb 15 March 2001 vol 623 c110WA
Lord Rogan

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they consider that the 40 per cent brownfield/60 per cent greenfield housing programme constitutes a sustainable strategy for large post-industrial cities. [HL1156]

Lord Whitty

The Government are committed to minimising the amount of greenfield land taken for development. The target in England is that, by 2008, 60 per cent of additional housing should be provided on previously-developed land and through conversion of existing buildings. Paragraph 23 of Planning Policy Guidance Note 3:Housing, advises English regions and planning authorities each to set their own land recycling targets which contribute to achieving the national target, and which reflect the extent to which housing development can be accommodated within urban areas.

Recycling targets for other parts of the United Kingdom are a matter for the devolved administration concerned.