HC Deb 25 June 2001 vol 370 c26W
Dr. Fox

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many(a) consultant posts and (b) nursing posts are currently vacant; and how many posts in each category have been vacant for more than three months. [426]

Mr. Hutton

The Department of Health vacancy survey for 2000 collected only the number of vacancies which have lasted for three months or more as at 30 March. These figures are given in the table.

Results from 2001 vacancy survey are not yet available.

Department of Health Vacancies Survey three month vacancy figures1 for Consultants and Nursing staff as at 31 March 20002
All consultants 600
General medicine group of specialities 90
Paediatrics 40
Accident and emergency 30
Surgical group of specialities 60
Obstetrics and gynaecology 10
Anaesthetics 30
Radiology group of specialities 70
Clinical oncology 10
Pathology group of specialities 50
Psychiatry group of specialities 190
Dental (hospital or public health) 20
All qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff 10,110
Acute, elderly and general care 6,390
Paediatrics 620
Learning difficulties 310
Psychiatry 1,440
Midwives 510
District nurses 150
Health visitors 190
Other qualified nurses 490
1Posts that had been vacant for three months or more as at 31 March 2000.
2Figures are different from those previously published due to the discovery of figures for four trusts, which had not given detailed breakdown of vacancies within staff groups, being excluded altogether from the results.


1. Figures are whole time equivalents rounded to the nearest 10.

2. Three month vacancies are classified as vacant for three months or more, but have actively been tried to be filled.

3. Totals may not add up due to rounding.


Department of Health Vacancies Survey.