HL Deb 24 July 2001 vol 626 cc222-3WA
Baroness Byford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they propose to set up a private storage scheme to cope with the thousands of sheep which, due to the foot and mouth disease export restrictions, will come on to the United Kingdom market this autumn. [HL132]

Earl Peel

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What measures they intend to put in place to support the sheep industry given the market implications of the inability to export sheep at the present time, and the likelihood that there will be no domestic market for many of the sheep that would normally have been exported but for the outbreak of foot and mouth disease; and [HL361]

Whether they will seek European Union approval for private storage aid for sheepmeat; and [HL362]

what measures they will put in place to ensure that sheepmeat which has been in storage is marketable after it is released. [HL363]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, (Lord Whitty)

The department has had intensive discussions with a wide range of industry interests and the European Commission about this, with a view to putting a strategy in place by the end of July, to apply from 1 September onwards. In the meantime, all possible action is being taken to eradicate the disease as soon as possible.

All concerned are clear that in considering autumn livestock movements, control of foot and mouth disease and safeguarding animal welfare must continue to be our primary concerns. We are proceeding on the basis of veterinary and scientific advice. Full details will be published as soon as possible, but the arrangements for the autumn will cover the following aspects; the possibility of holding livestock markets in counties which have been free of foot and mouth disease for three months or more and where testing has been completed; the possibility of some relaxation in the criteria covering livestock movements outside infected areas; the possibility of promoting the domestic consumption of lamb in particular, and of negotiating with the European Commission an early resumption of pigmeat and sheepmeat exports, while not distrupting the domestic food supply chain.

We are formally asking the European Commission to introduce a Private Storage Aid Scheme for sheepmeat in the autumn, including the provision for operators to store as vacuum packed primal cuts, which will assist with marketing when the meat comes out of store. We are also discussing with the Commission the possible adaptation of the Livestock Welfare Disposal Scheme to handle disposal of surplus lambs, and in the medium term the possible use of quota suspension or buy-out.