HL Deb 23 July 2001 vol 626 c157WA
Baroness Stern

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many prisoners have been diagnosed with tuberculosis during the last three years; and [HL374]

How many prisoners diagnosed with tuberculosis during t he last three years showed resistance to any of the main tuberculosis drugs; and [HL375]

How many times in the past three years prisons have been contacted by the public health authorities and asked to screen a prisoner who has been named as a contact by a tuberculosis-infected person. [FIL376]

The Minister of State, Home Office (Lord Rooker)

The number of new cases of tuberculosis reported by Prison Service establishments over the three previous years for which complete data are available was as follows:

  • 1997–98: 50
  • 1998–99: 50
  • 1999–2000: 52

Healthcare statistics for 2000–01 have not yet been fully collected and collated.

The remainder of the information requested is not collected centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Baroness Stern

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether there is a written agreement between the public health authorities and the prison service on the procedure to follow in cases where a prison is contacted by a public health authority and asked to screen a prisoner who has been named as a contact by a tuberculosis-infected person. [HL377]

Lord Rooker

The Prison Service undertakes diagnosis, care, treatment and contact tracing for tuberculosis in conjunction with local National Health Service specialists and in accordance with British Thoracic Society guidelines. While there is no written agreement to this effect, establishments would be expected to co-operate fully with any contact-tracing exercise initiated in the community.