HC Deb 20 July 2001 vol 372 cc472-4W
Dr. Tonge

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list(a) the name and (b) the amount spent in each of the last four years on genetically modified related development projects. [5408]

Clare Short

The information is as follows.

Projects involving the potential release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 1998 onwards

Plant Sciences Genetically Engineered Resistance to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus1 Sainsbury Laboratory; WARDA; 07.95–06.98 £147,983 (R6355) Assessing Resistance to Rice Tungro Virus Disease1 John Innes Institute; IRRI; 11.95–10.98 £87,420 (R6394) Botrytis Grey Mould Resistance in Chickpea with PGIP Genes1 SCRI; ICRISAT; 10.96–12.99 £194,208 (R6409H) Chromosome Painting (in situ Chromosome Hybridisation) for Forestry, Crop Protection and Plant Sciences1 University of Nottingham; NRI; 01.96–12.98 £154,879 (R6429 FF) Development of Reliable Transformation and Transgene Expression in Cassava1 John Innes Institute; IITA; 12.95–12.99 £133,565 (R6442) Transgenic Crop Resistance in Upland and Lowland Rice to Nematodes1 University of Leeds; IRRI; 01.96–12.98 £243,567 (R6453) Enhancement of Grain Filling in Rice by Genetic Manipulation of Phytohormone Levels1 Norman Borlaug Institute, DeMontford University; IRRI 04.97–03.00 £300,000 (R6724H) Development of Testing of Transgenic Cultivars of Bananas Resistant to Nematodes1 CAZS; WIBDECO, Roseau Research Station, St. Lucia; 11.96–10.99 £78,985 (R6743) Crop Resistance to the Nematodes Globodera and Naccobus in Bolivian Hillside Potato Production1 University of Leeds; PROINPA, Bolivia; 10.97–09.00 £88,518 (R6830) Development and Application of Transformation Systems in Rice1 John Innes Institute; IRRI; University of Dhaka; University of Delhi; IIAR, India; 09.97–08.00 £288,649 (R6948) Durable Crop Resistance in Rice and Potato Plants to Nematodes2 University of Leeds; IRRI; WARDA; PROINPA, Bolivia; 01.99–12.01 £289,205 (R7294) Transgenic Rice with Rice Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance2 John Innes Institute; WARDA; 07.99–06.02 £335.683 (R7415) Transformation and Mapping of Natural Resistance to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus and Nematodes2 John Innes Institute; WARDA; 01.00–12.02 £97,728 (R7548) Resistance to Andean Weevil in Potato2 University of Leeds; PROINPA, 10.00–09.01 £7,537 (R7886) Nematode Resistant Rice, Banana and Potato2 John Innes Centre; University of Leeds; 07.00–05.05 £768,913 (R8031)

Crop Protection Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt of Potato1 CABI Bioscience; KARI, Kenya; CDRI Pakistan; INRA, Niger; 04.96–03.99 £176.560 (R6629)

Fish Genetics Development and Exploitation a Transgenic Tilapia1 University of Wales—Swansea; University of Southampton; 04.98–03.00 £219,468 (R7113) Production of Improved Reversibly Sterile Strains of Tilapia2 University of Southampton 04 00–03.04 £304,000 (R7591)

Animal Health Identification of Immundominant Antigens of Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. Capripneumoniae for Use in Vaccines1 Moredun Research Institute; Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania; 04.96–03.99 £283,092 (R6555) Contained Trial of Modified Recombinant Capripox-rinderpest Vaccine1 Institute for Animal Health (Pirbright); KARI, Kenya; 04.96–03.99 £88,000 (R6557) Control Methods and Diagnostic Tools for Trypanosomosis1 University of Bristol; ILRI; KETRI, Kenya 04.96–03.99 £194,858 (R6560) Thermostable Immunogens for Protection of Ruminants against Heartwater1 CTVM; NVRC, Kenya; NVL, Botswana; CIRAD-EMVT, Paris; FARM-AFRICA; 04.96–03.99 £363,107 (R6566) Development of a Genetically Marked Rinderpest Vaccine1 Institute of Animal Health (Pirbright); 10.97–03.00 £119,698 (R7048) Pen-side Diagnostics for the Detection of Antibodies Against a Marked Rinderpent Virus (RPV) Vaccine2 Institute for Animal Health (Pirbright); IVRI, India; SVDL, Ethiopia; PARC, Kenya; 05.99–04.02 £223,549 (R7362) Evaluation of Genes for Dominant Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Target Antigens for Use as Vaccine Components2 Institute for Animal Health (Compton); ILRI; 10.99–09.02 £206,877 (R7365)

Studies on GMO Issues Predicting Costs and Benefits to Livelihoods of the Poor in Developing Countries from "Terminator" Gene Technologies1 GS Consulting; 07.99–02.00 £35,000

Plant Sciences Modelling Gene Flow in Pigeonpea2 University of Birmingham; ICRISAT; NBPGR, India; 04.99–03.02 £199,276 (R7261C)

Crop Protection Review of Genetically Modified Pest Management Technologies for Use in Developing Countries1 NRI; CICR, India; WARDA; ODI; PROINPA, Bolivia; University of Leeds; 02.00–09.00 £54,943 (R7585)

Further Information DFID Natural Resources Project Database www.narsis.org

Acronyms CAZS—Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University College of Wales, Bangor CDRI—Crop Disease Research Institute, Pakistan CIRAD—Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (France) CTVM—Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh ICRISAT—International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India IIAR—Indian Institute for Agricultural Research IITA—International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria ILRI—International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya INRA—Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique, Niger IRRI—International Rice Research Institute, Philippines IVRI—Indian Veterinary Research Institute KARI—Kenya Agricultural Research Institute KETRI—Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute NVL—National Veterinary Laboratory, Botswana NVRC—National Veterinary Research Centre. Kenya NRI—Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich PARC—Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign, Kenya PROINPA—Programma de Investigation de la Papa, Bolivia SCRI—Scottish Crops Research Institute SVDL—Sabeta Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Ethiopia WARDA—West African Rice Development Association, Cote d'Ivoire

1 Completed projects. 1998–99 Expenditure £1,050,319. 1999–2000 Expenditure £465,068.

2 Ongoing projects. 2000–01 Expenditure £445,903. 2001–02 Expenditure £663,613.


Date: 18 July 2001. Total Commitment £5,776,764

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