HC Deb 17 July 2001 vol 372 c126W
Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) on what date he last received an extradition request for Nadhmi Auchi; and for what reasons this request was refused; [4316]

(2) on how many occasions, and on what dates, since 1 May 1997, the French authorities have contacted (a) his Department and (b) the Metropolitan Police concerning Nadhmi Auchi, with particular reference to Elf Aquitaine. [4315]

Mr. Bob Ainsworth

For good and obvious reasons, it is our policy and practice not to comment, ahead of arrest, on whether an extradition request for a particular individual has been made or is under consideration. Neither in these matters do we comment on whether and what contacts have taken place with the authorities of other jurisdictions.

Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many extradition requests have been received from the French authorities since 1 May 1997; how many have been acceded to; how many have been refused; and how many are outstanding. [4317]

Mr. Bob Ainsworth

Reliable statistics are available only from 1 January 1998. Since that date, the United Kingdom has received 22 extradition requests from the Government of France. The table provides for the same period the outcomes of French extradition requests, irrespective of when those were first received.

French extradition requests to UK since 1 January 1998
Fugitives surrendered to France 7
Fugitives discharged by courts 4
Withdrawn by French authorities 9
Refused by Secretary of Stare 0
Requests outstanding 12

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