HC Deb 17 July 2001 vol 372 cc95-6W
Andrew George

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions how many(a) second homes and (b) other dwellings entitled to the 50 per cent. council tax discount there are in each district and county/unitary authority area; and what percentage they represent of domestic housing stock in each area. [4330]

Dr. Whitehead

We estimate that approximately 220,000 second homes (defined as furnished and no-one's main residence) and 370,000 other dwellings were entitled to the 50 per cent. council tax discount as at October

PFI and PPP contracts signed since 1997
Year contract signed Name of contract Status of service Has part of service charge payment been withheld?
1997 Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre —Catering Operational No
2000 Highways Agency—A13 "Thames Gateway"1 Under construction n/a
2000 Vehicle Inspectorate—MOT computerisation Under construction n/a
2001 Highways Agency—Traffic Control Centre Under construction n/a
1997 Manchester Metrolink —extension to Salford Quays and Eccles2 Operational No
1999 Tower Hamlets Housing Action Trust Operational No
2001 National Air Traffic Control Services (NATS) PPP 3 n/a
1The A13 Thames Gateway contract has been transferred to Transport for London.
2The Manchester Metrolink contract was let by Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive and received substantial funding from DTLR.
3NATS have announced their preferred partner—Airlines Group (British Airways, British Midland, Virgin. Britannia, Monarch, Easy-Jet and Airtours) and is due to let the contract shortly.

2000. These represent 1.0 per cent. and 1.8 per cent. respectively of the total domestic housing stock in England.

Comparable figures for each district and county/unitary area in England are not available.