HL Deb 16 July 2001 vol 626 cc101-2WA
The Earl of Mar and Kellie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which of the 25 Bills announced in the Queen's Speech will be applicable to Scotland. [HL123]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

Fifteen of the 25 Bills in the Queen's Speech include significant measures that apply in Scotland.

The following is a list of the Bills and their application to Scotland.

Applies to Scotland: Reserved

  1. 1. Tax Credits
  2. 2. Pension Credits
  3. 3. Welfare Reform
  4. 4. NHS Reform and Centralisation (regulation of health professionals only)
  5. 5. EC (Finance)
  6. 6. EC (Amendment)
  7. 7. Export Control and Non-Proliferation
  8. 8. House of Lords (following consultation)
  9. 9. International Development
  10. 10. Safety (advance drafting)
  11. 11. Communication (advance drafting)
  12. 12. Increasing Women's Representation in Parliament (advance drafting)

Applies to Scotland: Devolved (Sewel Consent required)

  1. 13. Adoption and Children (only certain provisions)

Applies to Scotland: Devolved/Reserved (Sewel Consent required)

  1. 14. Proceeds of Crime
  2. 15. Enterprise