HC Deb 13 July 2001 vol 371 c655W
Harry Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will publish the actual figures for the amounts the private sector is investing in London Transport under existing contracts. [2729]

Mr. Jamieson

The following table shows estimates of the value of investment in London Transport through the existing London Underground Private Finance Initiative contracts.

Contract name/Investment coverage Investment Value1
British Transport Police
New HQ and BTP police station at Tottenham Court Road and a new BTP station at West Ham 10
New stations and trains radio systems and communications infrastructure 350
Northern Line Trains
Provision of new Northern Line train fleet 400
Network of substations and power distribution cables 100
Ticketing service infrastructure 150
Total investment value (£ billion) 1.01
1 The investment value is not the actual amount the private sector is investing in London Transport. Instead it is London Transport's estimate of what investment in PEI projects would have cost had they done the investment themselves.

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