HC Deb 10 July 2001 vol 371 cc440-3W
Lynne Jones

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how the cumulative additional investment on mental health care over three years from 1999 has been allocated(a) for each year, (b) between health and social services and (c) between different Government initiatives and programmes; [1464]

(2) when he will make allocations to health authorities under the mental health framework for 2001–02; and what is the total amount to be allocated. [1462]

Jacqui Smith

The additional central investment on mental health care over the three years from 1999 is shown in the table,(a) for each year and (b) between health and social services (in £ millions).

It is not possible to give accurate information on the split between different Government initiatives and programmes because the funding was allocated with health authority baselines to tackle local needs.

The total additional amount to be allocated in 2001–02 is £12.35 million revenue and £58 million capital. The allocation process has already begun and should be completed by the autumn. Most of this additional funding in 2001–02 will be used to provide significant improvements to high secure services.

Mental health investment: national service framework/NHS Plan implementation
£ million
Revenue investment NHS CAMHS (child) NHS adults PSS (personal social services)
1999–2000 10.0 58.5 146.0
2000–01 10.0 56.0 13.0
2001–02 2 12.35 3,420.0
Committed so far 20 126.85 77.0

Capital investment
£ million
1999–2000 4.5
2000–01 9.0
2001–02 558.0
1 Eight for CAMHS
2 The planned £10 million increase to the central funding for CAMHS was issued as part of the growth health authorities received in 2001–02—it was not separately identified. Targets are however being monitored. The £20 million central funding for 1999–2000 and 2000–01 has been added recurrently to HAs' baselines
3 Of the £20 million, £1 million went to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions for the homeless mentally ill initiative and a further £1 million is to be used for central initiatives
4 Five for CAMHS
5 Includes £5 million for acute psychiatric ward refurbishment, and £9 million for Fallon

Dr. Cable

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list, by name of report and health authority, the independent inquiries into mental health services established under HSG (94) 27 which have been published since February 1994. [2009]

Jacqui Smith

[holding answer 4 July 2001]: The information requested has been placed in the Library.

Dr. Cable

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list by name of subject and health authority the independent inquiries into mental health services established under HSG (94) 27 which are currently under way but which have not yet published reports. [2001]

Jacqui Smith

[holding answer 4 July 2001]: The information requested is as follows.

Independent inquiries in mental health services established under HSG (94) 27, which are currently under way, but which have not yet published reports

South West Region

  • SC—Dorset HA
  • DM—Dorset HA
  • JD—Gloucestershire HA
  • JC—Somerset HA
  • RG—Wiltshire HA
  • RG—Wiltshire HA
  • MM—Avon HA

Trent Region

  • KH—Leicestershire HA
  • BR—Leicestershire HA
  • AA—North Derbyshire HA
  • MS—Lincolnshire HA.

North West Region

  • AK—Blackpool HA
  • PL—Blackpool HA
  • RH—East Lancashire HA
  • AP—Liverpool HA
  • MA—HA
  • SR—HA

West Midland Region

  • No independent inquiries currently under way.

London Region

  • AB—Brent and Harrow HA
  • PL—Brent and Harrow HA
  • AC—Brent and Harrow HA
  • XX—Brent and Harrow HA
  • WT—Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow HA
  • PR—Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow HA
  • MH—East London and City HA
  • DN—East London and City HA
  • SH—East London and City HA
  • WH—Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham HA
  • MM—Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth HA

South East Region

  • MS—West Kent
  • RS—West Surrey
  • SL—West Sussex
  • WW—Berkshire
  • CM—North and Mid Hampshire
  • PH—North and Mid Hampshire
  • NL—North and Mid Hampshire

Eastern Region

  • DB—Norfolk HA
  • KB—Norfolk HA
  • JN—North Essex HA

North Yorkshire Region

  • DM—Newcastle and North Tyneside HA
  • DG—Calderdale and Kirklees HA
  • RW—Newcastle and North Tyneside HA
  • AJK—Bradford HA
  • ME—Tees HA
  • GE—Leeds HA
  • AM—Leeds HA
  • SK—Calderdale and Kirklees HA


The names of the patients have been replaced by initials, as many patient names may not be in the public domain.