HC Deb 05 July 2001 vol 371 c246W
Mr. Quentin Davies

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what assessment he has made of studies indicating significant operational advantages in fitting Link 16 to the Tornado GR4 and Harrier GR7 fleets; [968]

(2) for what reason he has decided not to install Link 16 on the Tornado GR4 and Harrier GR7 fleets. [970]

Mr. Ingram

The operational advantages offered by systems such as Link 16 are well recognised. The capability is already fitted in some aircraft types and it will be fitted more widely in our aircraft and ships. As with any defence equipment capability, decisions have to be made about priorities. Link 16 is not currently planned to be fitted to Tornado GR4 or Harrier GR7 aircraft as we have higher operational priorities.

Mr. Quentin Davies

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence for what reason he has decided not to install Link 16 on naval platforms. [971]

Mr. Ingram

No such decision has been taken. On current plans, we will install Link 16 in several in-service naval and air platforms as follows:

In-service platform ISD with Link 16
Type 42 destroyer (Batch 2 and 3) 2004
CVS (Invincible class) 2004
Sea King AEW 2002
Nimrod (R) 2003
Sea Harrier FA2 2004

Major new naval and air platforms, such as Eurofighter and the Type 45 destroyer, will be provided with situational awareness through secure tactical data links, in many cases by installing Link 16.