HC Deb 17 January 2001 vol 361 cc253-4W
Joan Ruddock

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions how he proposes to ensure that, where the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment provides advice to him that will rely on research which has not been peer reviewed or previously published, the wider scientific and research community is informed of it in order to provide a check on the advice to Government. [142570]

Mr. Meacher

I ensure that the wider scientific and research community is informed by making the documents and advice available to the public as outlined. Later this year we plan to improve availability by placing copies of applications for consent, including the supporting research results, on the Department's website.

health, relationships and sexual orientation for pupils aged 16 and over. [144088]

Mr. Wicks

We have no current plans to issue guidelines on health, relationship and sexual orientation for pupils over 16. However, the DfEE does provide Sex and Relationship Education Guidance which applies to pupils aged five to 16 in maintained schools.