HC Deb 08 January 2001 vol 360 cc437-8W
Mr. Alan Simpson

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if the current distinctive curriculum for midwifery training will be preserved through a statutory midwifery committee in the new regulatory framework. [143517]

Mr. Denham

We propose that the new Nursing and Midwifery Council should have a duty to set standards of training for midwifery. The issue of a midwifery committee is among those raised during consultation on our proposals, the results of which we are currently considering.

Health Council—14 December 2000
Agenda item Issue UK position Outcome
1 Adoption of provisional agenda.
2 Adoption of 'A' points.
3 Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council extending certain programmes of Community action in the field of public health adopted by Decisions no. 645/96/EC, no. 646/96/EC, no. 647/96/EC, no. 102/97/EC, no. 1400/97/EC and no. 1296/1999/EC and amending those decisions. To agree the extension of six of the eight public health programmes until the new public health programme is in place. A further two programmes are due to end on 31 December 2003 and so are not included in the proposal. We support the continuation of these programmes for a limited period to avoid any break in continuity in taking forward action in a number of areas. For example, the setting up of communicable diseases networks. The Council voted in favour of the extension of the programmes.
4 Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and Council adopting a Community action programme in the field of public health. This proposal was produced by the Commission in July in the context of a Communication on an EU Health Strategy. The Community action programme will replace the eight existing public health programmes. Common position was not reached in time for the Health Council. The UK broadly supports the proposal but Ms Stuart made the following points—that the UK will wish to ensure that the proposal does not try to extend the scope of Community competence and that the UK believes that although stronger co-ordination is needed, this does not require setting up a separate Community structure. There was an orientation debate with member states commenting on the broad principles of the proposal rather than considering the text in detail.
5 Council Resolution on health and nutrition. Nutrition was a public health priority for the French Presidency. The UK supports the Resolution. It fits in well with UK domestic priorities. The Resolution was adopted. Jane Hutt welcomed the Resolution on behalf of the UK.
6a Review of regulatory and administrative legislation of the member states on the subject of advertising of tobacco products. The Commission's proposal for a Directive banning tobacco advertising was recently overturned on the grounds of its legal base by the European Court of Justice. The UK has announced proposals for domestic legislation in this area and therefore supports the Directive. Commissioner Byrne announced the Commission's intention to bring forward a new Directive on tobacco advertising which will cover those elements of the previous Directive that the ECJ felt were justified on the grounds of internal market harmonisation.

Mr. Alan Simpson

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if the mechanisms for updating and monitoring the Midwives Rules and Code of Conduct will be maintained in the new Nursing and Midwifery Council. [143519]

Mr. Denham

Yes, the mechanisms for updating and monitoring the Midwives Rules and Code of Conduct will be maintained in the new Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Mr. Alan Simpson

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he will take to ensure that users of maternity services will be involved in decisions taken by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. [143518]

Mr. Denham

We propose that the new Council should have a strong lay membership, and a duty to consult patients and clients, and to treat their welfare as paramount.