HC Deb 26 February 2001 vol 363 c525W
Mr. Tyrie

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if the special advisers working

Gujarat earthquake—summary of assistance
UK search and rescue (SAR) Sixty-nine strong team/equipment 265,000
Russian. Ministry of Emergency SAR/tents/blankets 200,000
UK tent lift (Red Cross—IFRC and Save the Children Fund—SCF) Tents/plastic sheeting 504,545
UK trauma kit lift (World Health Organisation—(WHO) Trauma kits/additional items 429,837
Indian blankets (SCF) 255,172
IFRC Tents, blankets and non-food 750,000
Oxfam Water and sanitation (watsan) 1,000,000
UNICEF Watsan, re-establish schools, school kits 1,000,000
WHO Medical, watsan, epidemiological survey 430,000
UNDP Transitional recovery work 450,000
CARE Shelter and care centres 500,000
SCF Shelter, blankets and water containers 450,000
Christian Aid Shelter, blankets and essential non-food 350,000
Help Age International Medicare units, shelter, blankets and food 200,000
ADRA UK Hygiene kits, blankets and linen 115,000
Food for the hungry Shelter, blankets, toilets and medicine 51,950
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha Medical supplies, water, food, shelter, clothes 250,000
Handicap International Injury treatment, therapy and rehabilitation 200,000
World Food Programme Food 600,000
DFID Local Disbursement Relief items to cover needs as identified 500,000
Total 8,501,504