HL Deb 26 February 2001 vol 622 c105WA
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the statement by Baroness Scotland of Asthal that "The conclusions of the European Council were agreed by the heads of government at Nice and are politically binding (H.L. Deb., 7 February, col. 1235) applies to the French Presidency Report to the Nice Council on the European strategic and defence policy; and, if so, whether the United Kingdom is politically bound by the statement contained in the report, which reads " … the entire chain of command must remain under the political control and strategic direction of the European Union throughout the operation, after consultation between the two organisations. In that framework the operation commander will report on the conduct of the operations to European Union bodies only. NATO will be informed of developments in the situation by the appropriate bodies, in particular the PSC and the Chairman of the Military Committee. [HL720]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Scotland of Asthal)

The Conclusions of the Nice European Council record the Council's approval of the Presidency Report on the European security and defence policy. The extract in question comes from the Appendix to Annex VII. This sets out "suggestions" by the European Union, on the basis of decisions taken by NATO at its 1999 Washington Summit, as to how the so-called "Berlin Plus" arrangements might be implemented by the EU and NATO.

The "Berlin Plus" arrangements will enable the EU to have access to NATO assets and capabilities, including the use of NATO command options, for EU-lead operations, following decisions by NATO. The detailed arrangements remain to be worked out by the EU and NATO. However, once an EU-led operation was under way decisions on its political control and strategic direction would be a matter for EU governments. There would be intensified consultation between the EU and NATO before, during and after an operation. The elements of the permanent consultation arrangements have now been agreed by the EU and NATO.