HC Deb 26 February 2001 vol 363 cc573-5W
Jean Corston

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will set out, with statistical information relating as directly as possible to the Bristol, East constituency, the effects on Bristol of his Department's policies and actions since 2 May 1997. [150557]

Mr. Lock

The Department is in the process of providing a new Civil Justice Centre to deal with all civil and family work in Bristol. The new court is required to replace the existing county court, which is located on a split site at the Guildhall and Greyfriars. The existing accommodation is in need of substantial repair and alteration to bring it in line with current requirements. In addition, leases on both buildings are due to expire in September 2004.

Providing a purpose-built court building on one site will also help improve operational efficiency. The new court will consist of eight civil courtrooms and six District Judge's Justice Rooms. This is based on workload forecasts for the next 25 years. In addition, the new building will accommodate other Court Service administrative staff currently located in other offices in Bristol (including the probate registry and regional administrative support offices).

The scheme for the new Civil Justice Centre is still at a relatively early stage, and negotiations with a provisional preferred bidder are continuing. A potential site in the centre of Bristol has been earmarked for the development, however a number of outstanding issues need to be resolved before this can be confirmed. The current intention is for negotiations to be concluded by September 2001, with the new building being ready for use by the end of 2003.

The Bristol Community Legal Service Partnership (CLSP), which covers Bristol, East, is one of 160 CLSPs throughout England and Wales. Membership of the Bristol CLSP includes representatives of Bristol City Council, Advice Centres for Avon, Bristol Mediation, Disability Advice and Information Service, Age Concern and the LSC. The CLSP has developed a referral system for all advice providers in Bristol that is currently being piloted. Links are being forged with the Health Authority and with other Regeneration Partnerships, especially in relation to advice provision in the Barton Hill area of Bristol, East.

Throughout Bristol, the Legal Services Commission has let contracts to legal and advice service providers with a total first year value in excess of £1.7 million. Specifically, in the Bristol, East constituency, the Legal Services Commission last year let three contracts—to two firms of solicitors: Ledbury Raskin—Family (plus tolerance) & Immigration Leung & Co.—Immigration and to one not-for-profit advice agency: Bristol Debt Advice Centre.

The total first-year value of these contracts amounts to over £120,000.