HC Deb 07 February 2001 vol 362 c568W
Mr. Hancock

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is his policy on imposing sanctions on(a) Burma and (b) the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; and if he will make a statement. [149087]

Mr. Battle

The UK fully implements and enforces the EU Common Position—measures imposed on Burma since 1996 by the EU because of the severe and systematic violations of human rights and lack of concrete progress towards democracy and national reconciliation in that country. In April last year, the UK successfully argued for the EU Common Position (which already included a full arms embargo, bars on defence links and non-humanitarian aid and visa restrictions) to be strengthened by imposing a ban on the export of equipment that could be used for internal repression or terrorism, strengthening the visa ban list and imposing a freeze of funds on designated members of the Burmese Government, military and security forces and designated Burmese authorities in the tourism sector. There is no consensus within the EU or UN for further measures to be adopted. Unilaterally, the UK does not encourage trade with or investment in Burma and draws attention to the views of Burmese democratic leaders that tourism there is inappropriate. The UK does not intend to soften its approach to Burma until there is substantial change in the political and human rights situation.

With regard to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), EU sanctions were radically revised following the democratic victory of President Vojislav Kostunica in October last year. The oil and flight bans were abolished. Residual sanctions, comprising a visa ban and freeze of funds, have been retained to target specifically Milosevic and persons associated with him. The EU arms embargo and embargo on the supply to the FRY of equipment which might be used for internal repression remain in force.

The UK further implements the provisions of United Nations Security Council resolution 1160 (1998), which imposed an arms embargo on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and a prohibition on arming and training for terrorist activities there.