HC Deb 17 December 2001 vol 377 cc153-4W
Mr. Flight

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will make a statement on take-up of stakeholder pensions among the target group. [20998]

Mr. McCartney

As set out in our 1998 Green Paper "Partnership in Pensions" the Government's long-term pension reforms are designed to ensure that all pensioners have a decent income in retirement, building on the foundation of the basic state pension available to all. This means everyone recognising their responsibilities; with those who are able, saving for their retirement, the Government supporting those who cannot save, and the private sector providing affordable and secure second pensions.

Before April 2001, many of those who could put money aside to provide for themselves in retirement had no straightforward, good-value way to enter a pension scheme. Stakeholder pensions, which were introduced from that date, offered such people a route through provision of a simple, low-charge, flexible pension scheme which, for many employees, can be accessed through their workplace.

Income-related benefit recipients in the Regent's Park and Kensington, North constituency
May 1998 May 1999 May 2000 May 2001
Income support 14,600 14,000 13,600 13,600
Jobseeker's allowance (income based) 4,900 4,700 3,600 3,200
Family credit/working families' tax credit1 1,300 1,600 1,900 2,200
Disability working allowance/disabled person's tax credit1 20 24 31 38
Total 20,800 20,400 19,200 19,000
1 Family credit and disability working allowance were replaced in October 1999 by working families' tax credit and disabled person's tax credit which are not social security benefits.


1 Figures (other than disability working allowance/disabled person's tax credit which is a 100 per cent. count of all cases) are based on a 5 per cent. sample and are therefore subject to a degree of sampling error.

2 Income support, jobseeker's allowance (income-based), family credit/working families' tax credit and "Total" figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred.

3 Income support/jobseeker's allowance claimants in receipt of family credit/working families' tax credit or disability working allowance/disabled person's tax credit are not shown in income support/jobseeker's allowance totals.

4 Disability working allowance/disabled person's tax credit figures are for April each year.

5 Totals may not sum due to rounding.


Income Support Quarterly Statistical Enquiries May 1998-May 2001

Jobseeker's Allowance Quarterly Statistical Enquiries May 1998-May 2001

Family Credit/Working Families' Tax Credit Quarterly Statistical Enquiries May 1998-May 2001

Disability Working Allowance/Disabled Person's Tax Credit Quarterly Statistical Enquiries April 1998-April 2001

Stakeholder pensions are open to everyone and over 490,000 have been sold in their first seven months on the market. They are particularly targeted at moderate and higher earners who do not have access to an occupational pension or to a cost-effective personal pension. Many of the target group work for employers without a comprehensive occupational or personal pension scheme for their staff before the introduction of stakeholder pensions. The requirement for such employers to provide their work force with access to a stakeholder pension scheme came into force on 8 October. It is too early to have sufficient information on which to base a reasoned assessment of take-up by the target group.