§ Lynne JonesTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what proportion of people whose earnings were(a) below a third and (b) between a third and a half of median male earnings paid tax on each of the last six years. [20456]
§ Dawn PrimaroloEstimates of the proportion of taxpayers whose earnings were(a) below a third of male median earnings, and (b) between a third and a half of male median earnings are in the table:
Employee taxpayers as a percentage of employees Year with earnings less than 1/3 of male median earnings1 with earnings between 1/3 and ½ of male median earnings1 1995–96 61 95 1996–97 56 91 1997–98 56 93 1998–99 56 100 1999–2000 59 100 2000–01 69 100 1 Male median earnings figures are based on New Earnings Survey, full-time male employees on adult rates, whose pay for the survey period was unaffected by absence. The taxpayer estimates are based on the Survey of Personal Incomes and the employee estimates are based on the Labour Force Survey. These estimates are subject to sampling errors and changes in the percentages over time should be treated with caution.