HC Deb 10 December 2001 vol 376 c637W
Chris Grayling

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many(a) head teachers and (b) university lecturers have left the profession in each of the past five years. [19645]

Margaret Hodge

The available data are given in the following tables.

Head teachers leaving1 the maintained school sector in England
Heads leaving in year prior to March: Number
1995 1,940
1996 1,900
1997 2,300
1998 2,420
19992 1,490
1 The figures exclude head teachers who remain in the maintained sector but who step down to a lower grade.
2 The effect of the change in the Teachers' Pension Scheme as from 31 August 1997 was that many more teachers (including heads) took early retirement in 1997 than in previous years. In the year prior to March 1999, there was a decrease in the number of heads retiring, and an increase in the number remaining in the sector but stepping down to a lower grade.

Full-time, wholly institutionally financed academic staff1 leaving UK higher education institutions2
Academic year Leavers
1995–96 3,800
1996–97 4,770
1997–98 3,930
1998–99 3,910
1999–2000 3,670

Time series of total research income1
Data are for England only
Subject group 1995–96 (£ million) 1996–97 (£ million) 1997–98 (£ million) 1998–99 (£ million) 1999–2000 (£ million) Change in income2 (Percentage)
Clinical medicine 463.2 501.0 521.8 562.7 603.6 30.3
Engineering 287.7 298.1 313.8 335.2 338.3 17.6
Sciences 670.1 684.2 737.7 803.9 854.3 27.5
Subjects allied to medicine 130.4 130.6 148.1 165.0 181.2 39.0
Total sciences 1,551.4 1,613.9 1,721.3 1,866.7 1,977.3 27.5
Arts 16.9 20.5 26.8 32.3 38.6 128.9
Education 50.1 50.6 49.0 60.2 62.3 24.4
Humanities 103.2 102.9 107.0 115.3 118.5 14.9
Social sciences 206.2 212.1 224.8 245.9 262.7 27.4
Total arts 376.4 386.1 407.6 453.7 482.2 28.1
Total 1,927.7 2,000.1 2,129.0 2,320.4 2,459.5 27.6
1 External grants and HEFCE funding
21995–96 to 1999–2000

HESA Finance Statistics Returns and planned HEFCE research funding allocations as announced in recurrent grant circulars or as subsequently amended.

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