§ Peter BradleyTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will list the items of additional funding and their levels over and above the revenue support grant which his Department has made available to(a) Telford and the Wrekin council and (b) Shropshire county council in 2001–02 to date. [14477]
§ Dr. WhiteheadThe information is as follows:
Additional funding above RSG—l2001–l 02 budget estimate grants data £000 Nature of funding 2001–02 Telford and Wrekin council Revenue Support Grant 58,840 Redistributed Non-Domestic Rates 42,169 Housing Annual Capital Guideline 1,070 Transport Supplementary Credit Approval 4,913 SRB—Madeley Challenge 213,696 SRB—Improving access in Telford 4,000 Disabled Facility Grant 200 Shropshire county council Rural Bus Service 674 SRB 1,231 Revenue Support Grant 71,105 Redistributed Non-Domestic Rates 68,844 Transport Supplementary Grant 563 Transport Annual Capital Guideline 562 Transport Supplementary Credit Approval 12,438 AWM Land and Property—Treflach Quarry Oswestry 176
Additional funding above RSG—2001–02 budget estimate grants data £000 Nature of funding 2001–02 AWM Land and Property—Montgomery Canal Stage 3a 100,027 SRB—Services Participation Access Resources Knowledge in Shropshire 104,883
Additional funding above RSG—2001–02 budget estimate grants data £000 Nature of funding 2000–01 2001–02 Shropshire county council Rural Bus Challenge Grant 283 n/k Rural Bus Subsidy Grant 635 804 Telford and the Wrekin Rural Bus Challenge Grant 184 n/k Rural Bus Subsidy Grant 074 097 Urban Bus Challenge — 615
§ Mr. Ivan HendersonTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will announce the national non-domestic rates multiplier for 2002–03; and if he will set out the basis of his calculations of the distributable amount of non-domestic rates for 2002–03. [20987]
§ Mr. RaynsfordThe non-domestic rate poundage (multiplier) for 2002–03 will be 43.7 pence. The amount of non-domestic rates in England for 2002–03 to be redistributed to local authorities will be £16,626 million, although estimated payments into the pool in 2002–03 will be £15,887 million. The distributable amount includes a surplus brought forward from 2001–02 of £611 million and an allowance of £128 million for an Exchequer payment to the non-domestic rates pool, to compensate for the shortfall which would otherwise occur as a result of the regulations under section 58 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the transitional relief scheme, announced on 25 November 1999,Official Report, column 700.
The calculations for 2002–03, and the prior-year figures, on which this is based, are set out in the following table.
National non-domestic rates: calculation of Distributable Amount for 2002–03 £ million Provisional outturn Estimated in-year contribution 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 1. Income from local lists Multiplier (p) 478.9 41.6 43.0 43.7 Gross Yield 14,307 13,219 17,053 17,205 (i) Reliefs (a) Net Transitional Relief -456 -943 -323 -193 (b) Empty Properties -935 -970 -1,017 -1,087 (c) Charitable -515 -538 -562 -601 (d) Rural Shops and Post Offices -2 -2 -2 -5 (e) Discretionary -28 -34 -35 -37 Net Yield after reliefs 12,372 10,732 15,114 15,281 (ii) Collection Costs/reductions to contributions (a) Cost of collection -83 -85 -84 -84 (b) Losses on collection -118 -118 -141 -170 (c) City of London offset -7 -7 -7 -7 Total contribution in respect of year 12,165 10,523 14,883 15,021 (iii) Repayments/interest payments Total adjustments -495 2,358 -254 -299 Net Local Yield 11,670 12,882 14,629 14,722 2. Income from Central List Net Central List Yield 1,319 868 1,136 1,155 3. Income from Crown List Contribution in Aid Net Crown Yield 332 9 10 10 Total NDR Yield 13,321 13,759 15,775 15,887 4. Exchequer Total Exchequer Contributions 310 415 262 128 Total NNDR pool payments (1+2+3+4) 13,631 14,174 16,037 16,015 5. Adjustments Surplus brought forward 919 939 -290 611 Combined total 14,551 15,113 15,747 16,626 Distributable Amount 13,612 15,402 15,136 16,626 Surplus Carried Forward 939 -290 611 — Notes:
For 1999–2000 and 2000–01 the amounts shown are those recorded in the post end-year (NNDR3) returns. For 2001–02 the amounts shown are the provisional outturn for the year based mainly upon authorities' provisional contributions to the non-domestic rating pool. For 2002–03 the estimates are based on:
1 Item 1: The gross calculated rate yield represents the total value of non-domestic hereditaments on local rating lists times the multiplier.
2. Item 1(i)(a): The Transitional decrease adjustment includes the estimated amount of rates that will not be recouped from local list ratepayers under the transitional arrangements made by regulations under section 58 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the transitional relief scheme, announced by written parliamentary question on 25 November 1999, Official Report, column 770W.
3. Item 1(i)(b): The empty property relief adjustments include voids and partially occupied hereditaments. The 2002–03 figure includes an allowance for the increase in the gross rate yield.
4. Item 1(i)(c): Charitable rate relief. The 2002–03 figure includes an allowance for the increase in the gross rate yield.
5. Item 1(i)(d): Rural Shops and Post Office relief. Figures include mandatory relief for general stores and post offices under the Local Government and Rating Act 1997. Figures for 2001–02 onwards includes mandatory relief for petrol filing stations and public houses under the Non-Domestic Rating (Public Houses and Petrol Filling Stations) (England) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1345) and mandatory relief for new enterprises on former agricultural premises under the Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Act 2001. The 2002–03 figure includes an allowance for the increase in the gross rate yield.
6. Item 1(i)(e): Discretionary relief granted to charities, non-profit making organisations and for other reasons including discretionary relief for village shops and post offices under the Local Government and Rating Act 1997. Figures for 2001–02 onwards include discretionary relief for petrol filing stations and public houses under the Non-Domestic Rating (Public Houses and Petrol Filling Stations) (England) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1345) and discretionary relief for new enterprises on former agricultural premises under the Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Act 2001. The 2002–03 figure includes an allowance for the increase in the gross rate yield.
7. Item 1 (ii)(a) and (b): The allowances for the costs and losses incurred by authorities in collecting non-domestic rates from ratepayers.
8. Item 1(ii)(c): City Offset—the amount which the City of London will not be required to pay into the non-domestic rating pool. It is the amount which will be retained by the City to meet its own expenditure.
9. Item 1(iii): net adjustment in respect of appeals and other amendments to the rating list affecting liability for previous years rates settled in that year.
278W279W10. Item 2: the rateable value of non-domestic hereditaments on the central rating list times the multiplier, less the net effect of transitional arrangements, and adjusted for appeals and other changes in respect of previous years.
11. Item 3: the 1999–2000 figures for crown properties include an allowance for the effect of transitional arrangements. For 2000–01 and 2001–02 almost all properties included in the crown list in previous years are included in the local list figures at item.
12. Item 4: the contribution from central Government to offset the amount of the Secretary of State's estimate of income forgone as a result of transitional arrangements established by regulations under section 58 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the transitional relief scheme, announced by written parliamentary question on 25 November 1999, Official Report, column 770W.