HC Deb 04 December 2001 vol 376 cc217-9W
Mr. Mike Hall

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the(a) forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for December and (b) major European Union events for the period between 31 December and May 2002. [20966]

Peter Hain

The information is as follows:

4 December—ECOFIN meeting—Brussels

  1. 1. Adoption of the Agenda
  2. 2. Approval of the list of 'A' items
  3. 3. Preparation for the Laeken European Council
    • Report on aims and working methods in the field of pensions
    • Report on structural indicators
    • Report on progress concerning the fiscal package
  4. 4. Fiscal Package
    • Taxation and savings
    • Directive, including main features of a standardised form for exchanging information
    • Interim reports by the member states concerned on discussions with dependent or associated territories
    • Code of Conduct
    • Progress report from Code of Conduct group
  5. 5. (Poss.) VAT invoicing (may become 'A' item)
  6. 6. Financial Services
    • (Poss.) Financial Services Action Plan, 5 Progress report from the Commission
    • (Poss.) Proposal for a Directive on financial collateral arrangements
    • General approach
    • Prospectus
    • Presidency report on progress
    • Financial conglomerates
    • Presidency report on progress
    • UCTIS
    • Adoption
  7. 7. Annual report of the Court of Auditors for the financial year 2000
  8. Presentation by the Court of Auditors
  9. 8. Galileo
  10. Progress report
  11. 9. Economic situation in the air transport sector (insurance)
    • Report on developments in the situation
  12. 10. Preparation for ministerial meeting with the candidate countries
  13. 11. Conference on Financing for Development
    • Common Position
  14. 12. Other Business
  15. 3—Brussels—Employment and Social Affairs Council
  16. 4—Bruges—Culture Council (Ministerial Informal)
  17. 4—Brussels—Energy Council
  18. 5—Brussels—Industry Council
  19. 6–7—Brussels—Transport and Telecommunications Council
  20. 6–7—Brussels—Justice and Home Affairs Council
  21. 10—Brussels—Research Council
  22. 10–11—Brussels—General Affairs Council
  23. 12–13—Brussels—Environment Council
  24. 14—Laeken—ECOFIN
  25. 14–15—Laeken—European Council
  26. 17–18—Brussels—Fisheries Council
  27. 18–19—Brussels—Agriculture Council.

No agendas for the above are available yet.

The following are the principle events in the EU between 1 January and May 2002 (certain relevant events are also included: the list is based on the information available at the date of issue).

Date Location Event
10 Brussels Fisheries Council
17 Brussels Budget Council1
21 to 22 Brussels Agriculture Council
21 Brussels Eurogroup1>
22 Brussels ECOFIN
25 to 26 Brussels Meeting of Employment Ministers2
28 to 29 Brussels General Affairs Council
9 to 10 Brussels Gymnich2
11 Brussels Eurogroup1
14 Brussels Education and Youth Council
14 to 15 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council2
18 to 19 Brussels General Affairs Council
18 to 19 Brussels Agriculture Council
22 to 23 Brussels Telecoms and Information Society Council2
28 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
1 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council1
1 Brussels Internal Market, Consumers and Tourism Council
4 Brussels Eurogroup1
5 Brussels ECOFIN
7 Brussels Employment and Social Affairs Council
11 Brussels Research Council
11 to 12 Brussels General Affairs Council
15 to 16 Barcelona European Council
18 to 19 Brussels Agriculture Council
21 Brussels Environment Council
23 to 24 Brussels Defence Meeting2
25 to 26 Brussels Transport and Telecom Council
5 to 6 Luxembourg Migrations Council3
8 Luxembourg Fisheries Council
13 to 14 Luxembourg ECOFIN2
15 to 16 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
22 to 23 Valencia Euromed Conference
22 to 23 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
25 to 26 Luxembourg Justice and Home Affairs Council
27 to 30 Luxembourg Agriculture Council2
3 to 4 Brussels Tourism Council2
6 Brussels Eurogroup1
7 Brussels ECOFIN
Date Location Event
9 Europe Day
13 Brussels General Affairs and Defence Council
17 to 18 Madrid EU-LAC Summit
21 Brussels Internal Market, Consumers and Tourism Council
23 Brussels Culture and Audio-visual Council
24 to 26 Brussels Environment Council2
27 to 28 Brussels Agriculture Council
30 Brussels Development Council
30 Brussels Education and Youth Council
31 to 1 June Brussels Transport Council2
1Evening 2Ministerial informal 3ASEM Ministerial informal