HL Deb 24 April 2001 vol 625 c40WA
Lord Morris of Manchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the criteria for funding under the New Deal programme for disabled people will help to support successful rehabilitation services provided by Rehab UK in its work for people with acquired brain injury. [HL1776]

The Minister of State, Department for Education and Employment (Baroness Blackstone)

The New Deal for Disabled People will offer people on incapacity benefits the opportunity to prepare for and find paid work and move off benefits through a network of Job Brokers from the private, public and voluntary sectors. Job Brokers will be funded through a contract with the Employment Service (ES) on the basis of the numbers of people they help who enter and sustain paid work. Job Brokers will agree with ES how they will address the needs of this varied client group, including those with acquired brain injuries. Rehab UK, in common with other specialist providers, were eligible to bid to be suppliers of provision under the New Deal for Disabled People.