HC Deb 23 April 2001 vol 367 cc105-8W
Mr. Martyn Jones

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will set out, with statistical information relating as directly as possible to the Tiverton and Honiton constituency, the effects on Tiverton and Honiton of his Department's policies and actions since 2 May 1997. [157814]

Mr. Wills

Outlined are details of the effects of a range of the Department's policies on the Tiverton and Honiton constituency and Devon LEA.

Schools with specialist status

Queen Elizabeth Community College was awarded Technology college status in 1998.

School Achievement Awards

Staff at 12 schools in the constituency received Improvement Awards because pupil performance in 2000 was substantially better than in 1997, or because schools had come out of special measures. Four schools received Excellence Awards, because pupil performance in 2000 was better than most schools in similar circumstances. Awards were around £5,000 for a typical primary school and £25,000 for a typical secondary school.

Class Sizes

Revenue Funding Capital Funding
1998–99 1,000 523
1999–2000 1,831 732
2000–01 2,596 719
Total 5,427 1,974

The September 2000 figures show that in Devon there are now 62 (0.3 per cent.) pupils remaining in infant classes of 31 or more. The figure in January 1998 was 5,639 (26 per cent.).

Classroom of the Future

Devon LEA was awarded £900,000 as part of this initiative in February 2001. The stated aim is, in the context of recent educational research, to provide life long learning opportunities that broaden experiences for pupils and the whole community. It will be an inclusive project that provides greater educational opportunities for those living in rural communities, so that social exclusion in isolated rural areas no longer exists. The proposal is to set up units in two primary schools and a community college within an existing cluster of schools, and to work with three technology colleges. The potential of ICT is fully explored, in combination with a sustainable design. Partners include Exeter and Plymouth universities and the Timber Research and Development Association.

Performance Data (England averages include independent schools)

Key Stage 2 test results: percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above
11997 1998 1999 2000
LEA 62 66 72 75
England 63 65 71 75
LEA 62 60 70 72
England 62 59 69 72
LEA 67 72 80 86
England 69 69 78 85

GCSE and GNVQ results
11997 1998 1999 2000
5+ A*-C grades
LEA average 44 47 48 49
England average 45 46 48 49
5+ A*-G grades
LEA average 90 91 91 91
England average 86 88 89 89
No Passes
LEA average 5 4 4 4
England average 8 7 6 6
Average Point Score
LEA average n/a 38.4 38.7 39.2
England average n/a 37.0 38.1 38.9
Results for 1997 include Plymouth and Torbay, which became separate unitary authorities with effect from 1998.

GCE A/AS level examinations and advanced GNVQs
1998 1999 2000
Average points for 2 or more A/AS levels
LEA average 16.3 17.3 17.9
England average 17.8 18.2 18.5
A/AS average per entry
LEA average 5.2 5.5 5.3
England average 5.4 5.5 5.5

LEA capital funding
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 Total
Credit approvals
Annual Capital Guideline (ACG) 10,890 6,788 6,727 9,467 10,072 43,944
Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) 2,771 857 1,200 328 1,400 6,556
New Deal for Schools 1,018 2,397 4,763 7,536 15,714
NDS Condition funding 1,520 1,520
Nat. Grid for Learning (NGfL) 979 1,213 2,342 3,620 8,154
Voluntary Aided Grant 1,002 187 251 387 1,768 3,595
Devolved Formula Capital 5,013 4,101 9,114
Science labs 327 327 654
Energy 175 175
Assist Management Plan support 108 108
SEED challenge 341 395 736
Class Size Initiative 247 1,001 664 1,912
Outside toilet removal 972 972
Schools Security at 75 per cent. 262 219 231 233 165 1,110
SSLU's Grant 114 99 213
Schools Access Initiative at 85 per cent. 22 581 603
Totals 15,943 12,821 15,494 26,774 24,048 95,080

Modern Apprenticeships

Information on Modern Apprenticeships for all English constituencies was placed in the Library of the House of Commons on 30 March 2001.

New Deal for Schools
Year School Project Allocation (£)
1997–98 Tiverton High ICT project 11,017,000
1998–99 Clyst Hydon Primary Replacement of cesspool 16,500
1999–2000 Cullompton Community College Replacement of concrete roof 558,888
Clyst Vale Community College Upgrade food technology area 40,000
2000–01 The King's School Replacement of HORSA kitchen/dining building 532,465
Honiton Primary Replacement of four temporary classrooms and demolition of HORSA kitchen 493,370
Kentisbeare Primary Replacement of HORSA hut, temporary classroom and toilets (Phase 2) 411,347
Broadclyst Community Primary Replacement of HORSA hut classrooms 713,065
1 The LEA will be able to advise how much of the total allocation of £1.017 million was awarded to this school.

New Deal for Young People

In the Tiverton and Honiton constituency, 423 young people have joined the New Deal to end December 2000. 236 have found jobs, 190 of which are sustained.

Labour market statistics

The working age employment rate in Devon local education authority in winter 2000–01 was 77.6 per cent., above the UK rate of 74.5 per cent. The rate in winter 1996–97 was 73.5 per cent.

The claimant unemployment rate has fallen from 3.3 per cent. in March 1997 to 1.6 per cent. in March 2001 in the Tiverton and Honiton constituency.

GCE A/AS level examinations and advanced GNVQs
1998 1999 2000
Average point score GNVQs
LEA average 10.5 10.7 10.6
England average 9.6 9.9 10.1

Funding per pupil

In Devon LEA, funding per pupil has increased by £420 in real terms between 1997–98 and 2001–02.

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