HC Deb 10 April 2001 vol 366 c579W
Mr. Jim Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how much money will be paid to head teachers in schools in Coventry, South as a part of the education funding announced in the budget. [157857]

Ms Estelle Morris

Schools will receive School Standards Grant (SSG) on the basis of the number of pupils on roll as at 18 January 2001. The following table shows the amounts individual schools will receive:

Amount (£)
Primary schools; middle deemed primary with no year 8 or 9 class; nursery schools; PRUs
Fewer than 100.5 pupils 7,000
At least 100.5 but fewer than 200.5 13,500
At least 200.5 but fewer than 400.5 24,000
At least 400.5 but fewer than 600.5 30,000
600.5 or more 48,000
Secondary schools; middle deemed secondary; and middle deemed primary with year 8 or year 9 class
Fewer than 600.5 58,000
At least 600.5 70,000
1200.5 or more 82,000
Special schools
Fewer than 100.5 20,000
100.5 or more 28,000

Reading Writing Spelling English Mathematics
Key Stage 1: Achieving level 2 or above 79 78 64 87
Key Stage 2: Achieving level 4 or above 79 50 72 70
Key Stage 3: Achieving level 5 or above 64 59