HL Deb 10 April 2001 vol 624 c102WA
Lord Inglewood

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps are being taken to "call up" retired veterinarians to assist in the foot and mouth crisis. [HL1258]

The Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Baroness Hayman)

The number of veterinary staff involved in the control and eradication of foot and mouth disease is being supplemented in a number of ways.

  1. (i) Retired members of the State Veterinary Service are working as temporary veterinary inspectors.
  2. (ii) Forty-eight veterinary staff have been seconded from the Ministry of Defence, the Veterinary Laboratory Agency and other government departments.
  3. (iii) Following contacts with veterinary practices and advertisements in the Veterinary Record, over 500 applications for temporary veterinary inspector posts have been received.
  4. (iv) Final year veterinary students are being signed up as casual animal health officers to work with established staff to assist with surveillance patrols.
  5. (v) Over 100 veterinary staff have arrived or are due to arrive from the official veterinary services in 11 overseas countries.

There are now over 1,200 veterinarians involved in the fight against foot and mouth disease.