HC Deb 10 April 2001 vol 366 c524W
Mr. St. Aubyn

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what the latest estimate is, measured in(a) resource accounting terms and (b) resource accounting terms at 2001 prices, of the planned increase in the annual total gross expenditure on administration by all Departments from 1996–97 to 2003–04; [157875]

(2) what the latest estimate is, measured in (a) cash terms and (b) cash terms at 2001 prices, of the planned increase in the annual total gross expenditure on administration costs by all Departments from 1996–97 to 2003–04. [157874]

Mr. Andrew Smith

Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) 2000–01 (Cm 4601, 2000) published the final set of departmental administration cost plans on a cash basis. In accordance with "Better Accounting for the Taxpayer's Money" (Cm 2626, 1994), Departments were required to produce resource information from April 1998. This year's edition of PESA 2001–02 (Cm 5101, 2001) contains resource-based administration cost plans from that date, although estimates for the earlier years are included in footnote six.

The latest GDP deflator is published on the Treasury website (www.hm-treasury.gov.uk).