HC Deb 03 April 2001 vol 366 cc111-2W
Mr. Quentin Davies

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what are(a) the estimated total costs, (b) the amounts expended so far and (c) the estimated in-service dates in relation to (i) Type 45 destroyer, (ii) Future Aircraft carrier, (iii) Astute class SSN, (iv) Auxiliary Oiler, (v) Landing Platform Dock, (vi) Future Afloat Support, (vii) Strategic Sea Lift ROROs, (viii) Alternate Landing Ships Logistic, (ix) Primary Casualty Receiving Ships, (x) Type 23 Frigate, (xi) Sandown Class Single Role Minehunter, (xii) Fishery Protection replacement, (xiii) Future MCM Capability, (xiv) Nato submarine rescue system, (xv) Multi role survey ships, (xvi) Mark 8 Lynx conversion and rotorhead, (xvii) Merlin ASW helicopter, (xviii) Future Organic AEW aircraft, (xix) Future Carrier Borne Aircraft, (xx) Support and Amphibious Battlefield Rotorcraft, (xxi) Future Air to Surface Guided weapon, (xxii) Stingray life extension programme, (xxiii) Goalkeeper successor system, (xxiv) Sea Dart Extension programme, (xxv) Sea Wolf MLU, (xxvi) Spearfish heavyweight torpedo, (xxvii) ASRAAM, (xxviii) 114mm Gun update, (xxix) Harpoon successor system, (xxx) PAAMS, (xxxi) Swiftsure/Trafalgar sonar update, (xxxii) Sonar 2087, (xxxiii) Sonar 2193, (xxxiv) JTIDS, (xxxv) SAWCS, (xxxvi) Surface Torpedo Defence System, (xxxvii) Co-operative Engagement Capability, (xxxviii) Active Offboard Decoy system, (xxxix) Type 675 jammer successor, (xl) Electric Ship Technology Demonstrator and (xli) Combined Aerial Target Service. [156676]

Mr. Hoon

I will write to the hon. Member and a copy of my letter will be placed in the Library of the House.