HC Deb 30 October 2000 vol 355 cc234-8W
Mr. Redwood

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice in relation to the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to EU participation in WTO proceedings; [135280]

(2) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to policies towards self-employed people (Article 47(2)); [135323]

(3) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to measures on refugees and displaced persons (Articles 63(2)(a) and (b)); [135318]

(4) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to economic and financial co-operation with third countries (New Article 181a); [135298]

(5) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to (a) tax measures for the protection of the environment (Article 93(4)) and (b) provisions for mutual assistance between tax authorities (Article 93(5)); [135288]

(6) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to measures setting out conditions for freedom of travel for nationals of third countries (Article 62(3)); [135320]

(7) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to immigration policy (Article 63(3)(a) and (b)); [135317]

(8) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to environmental matters (Article 175 (2)); [135297]

(9) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to (a) the approval of the rules of procedure of the Court of Auditors (Article 274(3)) and (b) the appointment of Members of the Court of Auditors Article (247(3)); [135291]

(10) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice in relation to the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to international agreements on intellectual property (Article 133(1)); [135281]

(11) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to social security (Article 42); [135324]

(12) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to anti-discrimination measures (Article 13); [135313]

(13) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to minimum requirements in certain social areas (Article 137 (1)); [135289]

(14) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to judicial cooperation for the internal market (Article 65(a), (b) and (c)); [135283]

(15) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to CFSP/JHA international agreements (Article 24); [135314]

(16) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the list of products which are connected with the production of or trade in weapons (Article 296 (2)); [135308]

(17) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to association of overseas territories (Article 187); [135296]

(18) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to asylum measures (Articles 631a to d); [135319]

(19) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to association agreements (Article 300 (2)); [135307]

(20) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the creation of a Cohesion Fund (Article 161); [135299]

(21) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to measures to control the supply of certain products in difficulties (Article 100 (1)); [135290]

(22) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to social security for migrant workers (Article 144); [135304]

(23) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the Court of Justice in Title IV (Article 67(5)); [135285]

(24) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to measures in the cultural field (Article 151 (5)); [135303]

(25) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the conclusion of mixed agreements (new Article 300 (8)); [135306]

(26) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to measures in the industrial sphere (Article 157(3));[135302]

(27) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the appointment of (a) the Deputy Secretary General and (b) the Secretary General of the Council (Article 207(2)); [135292]

(28) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the appointment of members of the Economic and Social Committee (Article 259(1)); [135311]

(29) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to approximation of laws for the Common Market (Article 94); [135305]

(30) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to specific action for economic and social cohesion (Article 159); [135301]

(31) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the Statute of MEPs (Article 190(5)); [135295]

(32) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to transport regulation (Articles 71(2) and 80); [135286]

(33) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to rules for structural funds (Article 161); [135300]

(34) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to financial regulations for accounting officers (Article 279(1); [135309]

(35) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to rules on visas (Articles 62(2) b(ii) and (iv)); [135321]

(36) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the rules of procedure of the European Court of First Instance (Article 224); [135293]

(37) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to tax measures to prevent fraud, tax evasion and circumvention of rules (Article 93(2)); [135287]

(38) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to rules and arrangements for border checks (Article 62(2)a); [135322]

(39) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the establishment of agencies (New Article 256a); [135316]

(40) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the movement of citizens between member states (Article 18); [135312]

(41) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the choice of Common Foreign and Security Policy representatives (Article 23(2)); [135315]

(42) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to appointments to the Committee of the Regions (Article 263); [135310]

(43) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to the rules of procedure of the European Court of Justice (Article 223); [135294]

(44) if he will make a statement on his policy to be adopted at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to cooperation measures under Title IV (Article 66); [135284]

(45) if he will make a statement on the policy he will adopt at Nice on the proposed change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in relation to community financial aid to a Member State (Article 100(2)). [135478]

Mr. Vaz

We have set out our overall policy to the IGC negotiations which will be concluded at Nice in a White Paper published in February this year. We have made it clear that where the extension of qualified majority voting is in the United Kingdom's national interest, we will support it strongly; and that where it is not we will oppose it firmly.

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