HL Deb 27 October 2000 vol 618 c62WA
Lord Hylton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether separation distances of 200 metres are adequate between genetically modified maize and other crops; if so, why; and whether they will ask the National Pollen Research Unit and the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment to examine these matters in greater depth than they had by the end of 1999. [HL4263]

The Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Baroness Hayman)

Earlier this year the Government launched a review of GM crop separation distances and has published a scientific report and the responses to a public consultation on the subject. These findings, which include input from both ACRE and the National Pollen Research Unit, have been deposited in the House Library. The Government are now considering whether any changes would be appropriate to the separation distances currently applied, including in respect of maize.