HL Deb 23 November 2000 vol 619 c96WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they are taking beyond the Montreal Protocol to combat the development of an ozone hole over the North Pole comparable in size with that over Antarctica. [HL4647]

Lord Whitty

Under the Montreal Protocol, developed countries are required to phase out the production of CFCs by the end of 1995. The UK, in line with other European countries, phased out production by the end of 1994, one year ahead of the Protocol. We have recently agreed EC Regulation 2037/2000, which came into force on 1 October 2000, under which it is prohibited to supply CFCs. From 1 January 2001 there will also be a ban on the use of CFCs in the maintenance of existing equipment. Other measures in the regulation to phase out ozone depleting substances such as HCFCs by 2010 go beyond the Montreal Protocol.